Originally Posted by Ferd
stick around. you will find me misspelling more stuff!
and what I WANT is for this fake stimulus package to be defeated/distroyed/ end in bitter failure.
what I want is Barak Obama to see the light, become a conservative and srink government.
the fact is those things wont happen so what I am left wanting is for Barak Obama to be a miserable failure. (it is our nations only hope to avoid becoming a facisit state)
I agree on all your points. I just think the Republicans could have gotten more out of it if they held firm on their points. Obama's ego was/is riding on this stimulus bill. So they (Dem's) wouldn't have given up if they had held firm. Look at California. One Republican blocked the Dem's, and he was told to bring his tootbrush. If it's a fight they'd want, I wouldn't have stopped there. I woulda brought my toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving kit, soap and the entire bathroom set and stood firm on saying NO.