Originally Posted by Jaxon
Three stepper seems pretty obvious. Acts 2:38.....that's what I believe
one stepper: Repentence necessary.....baptism will follow but not believed to be neccessary (then why do it is my question?).... receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in tongues
(haven't really figured out what the so called one steppers here believe about that).
From what I've been able to gather,
it varies...some of them
(most?) believe you will speak in tongues upon the infilling of the Spirit.
Others feel it
might be accompanied by tongues but, not necessarily --- it couild be some other sign.
Others seem to feel that the primary evidence is the
fruit of the Spirit, not necesarily any outward sign, although some kind of gift/sign will likely manifest itself at some time in the person's walk with God.