Originally Posted by Michael Phelps
You most certainly CAN have one without the other, my good friend.
Jesus said you couldn't. Jesus said that you would be nothing more than a white washed tomb full of the bones of those you had killed.
Originally Posted by Michael Phelps
I've encountered many who LOOKED "holy" (and I hesitate to even use that term when describing outward standards, but it's our nomenclature) but were filled with unholiness.
Brother, then they were not who they claimed to be. It was asked of a Rastafarian, on how that the Rastafari were violent.
The Rasta smiled, and cheerfully said, "if they are violent, then they are not Rastafari!"
The Lord Jesus taught us in
Matthew 23, that those who appear beautiful on the outside, and were not on the inside were not righteous.
Originally Posted by Michael Phelps
And I have met several people who didn't ascribe to the Apostolic "look" who had more holiness in their big toe than many of the ones who looked "holy"!
I have met and befriended many people who are from all different religions, Mormons, Rastafarians, Muslims, Hindustani, and Atheists. All of the people who I know from these groups are kind and benevolent people. Brother Phelps, a religion should be judged by it's best, not be it's worst. We tend not to do the former, but the latter. Holiness standards of dress are part of almost every religion. It is separation from the World, and it is supposed to match the inner you. When it doesn't match the inner, you just become an open grave, in which people fall into unaware.
Originally Posted by Michael Phelps
That's why I questioned the term "holiness standards".
Brother, I don't question what I believe due to those around me. The scripture says those who judge themselves among themselves are not wise.
Why? Because we should only measure ourselves with the measure and stature of Christ.
Originally Posted by Michael Phelps
I'm still waiting for someone to show me ONE scripture where Jesus said that people would know we were His disciples by our outward appearance.
Matthew 23, where Christ rebukes the religious because they didn't match the beautiful righteous attire, which they were wearing.
They appeared righteous on the outside, but didn't appear righteous on the inside.
Clean your cup and platter on the inside first (where it really counts) and then the outside will be clean also!
The ancient Romans believed, what you wore told the world who you were.
All ancient societies were known by their dress, as the same was with tribes.
It is modern day Churchanity that has fled this aspect and desires to blend into a world that doesn't want their Jesus or His religion.
Holiness of attire is not the problem, it's just the ones who put it on.
In Jesus name
Brother Benincasa