Originally Posted by rgcraig
Have you ever sat in church (not during worship of course) and looked at couples and thought....oh, I just can't imagine!!!!!!!
ROFL! I'm not admitting to anything after I turned 20, but when I was a teen, I used to look at people, including my pastor and his wife and think, "they had two kids, but I can't imagine them 'getting together'." LOL!
My best friend and I, who were raised in that church since we were about ten years old, were talking one day and she says to me, "when I was young, I used to look at Bro. and Sis. W____ and wonder, how did they ever have sex!" Hahahaha! I just cracked up at that!
If you knew my first pastor and his wife, well, they were the kind of people you thought were above even making a stink when going to the bathroom! And she was always so modest that I couldn't imagine her being less than that for any reason, and the thought that he might have seen her less than modest? God forbid!!
The crazy things we think...haha.