LADIES please take my Holiness Test Thanks
Please check off the Holiness Standards are you keeping.Cut and paste this test 10 point quiz..
10 points - 100% true holiness!
You are a true ultra conservative to the core!
9 points - your score is 90% still an "A" Statis holiness conservative
You're still a great example of godliness!
8 points- "B" Statis but still a conservative. watch your step though!
7 - your an average grade "C" Pentecostal.You need to draw closer to the Lord!
6- Grade "D"
Your on the slippery slope to hell!You need revival and your spiritual condition is lukewarm at best. the spirit of Laodicia is encroaching upon you sister!
5 points and below is an "F" which stands for "FIRE"!! Hell FIRE!!!
you'll spend eternity in Hell lest you repent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BURN IN HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also,write me a summery of why you let go of any of these
Dress codes.Did you feel any sense of guilt,shame, conviction
when you let down on the standard?
( ) No Hair cuts
( ) No Pants
( ) No makeup
( ) No Ornamental Jewelry
( ) I wear my hair up
( ) I wear my sleeves below the elbow
( )I wear hosery in public
( ) Skirts go below the knees
( ) No Slits
( )No finger nail paint
* Please note:some wrong answers could automatically disqualify you thus giving a first class ticket to...... you know where!