Originally Posted by Nina
Sis Lois,
Is there ever a time for Matthew 18 to be allowed to have it's way?(if Your brother offends You...)
And have You ever seen it in action?
Should it be obeyed even when overseers (Pastors, District Supers etc)
ignore it?
Not if it means letting the guy keep finding new victims for the rest of his life! (Not saying that's what you believe, Nina.)
People in positions of power need to be held accountable. Abusing the trust placed in them, never showing any remorse, thinking they're above the law, getting away with it, demanding "respect", expecting his followers not to touch God's "anointed", etc. That's
not what Jesus had in mind. In that same chapter, look what He said in v 6! I doubt that He wants us to turn a blind eye, and just let Him deal with the guy in eternity. We need to do whatever it take to protect people from these monsters.
Abusive preachers need to be put on notice! People need to stand up! Go toe to toe with these cowards!