I just found something interesting. Pastor Steve Fender (
http://www.livingwaychurchsa.org/) preached at Promiseland Church and mentioned how that Anthony Mangun (he calls him a good friend) had swayed the conference floor in Tampa, FL.
There are couple interesting things.
1) He states that 30 years ago that God placed a vision for using TV in his and KP's heart, and it is the same vision that AM has. He attributes the results to Kenneth Phillips reverbrating influence.
2) He was present on the floor of GC. (I hope he didn't vote)
You can see this for yourself at:
mms:// (or
If you start watching at 1 hr and 12 minutes in, you will see it.
The charismatics are rejoicing because we are coming their way. It is sad, especially when you look at these men and their churches, and realize that same mistakes they made, UPCI is also repeating.