Just some thoughts:
Conception means a seed has been planted and under the proper
or right conditions, in time there will be a birth. The mother should
be careful to nurture this seed by taking proper care of herself and
this "burden" that is growing inside her. In the fulness of time there
will be "labour pains" and as this progresses, travail (groanings) and
perhaps weeping. About the time the mother feels she cannot bear
anymore pain, suddenly there is a bursting forth of water and blood,
and sweet deliverance. What a refreshing!! But wait, the mother waits!!
My baby is out but is it alive! I want to hear that cry!!! Did something
go wrong in my carrying my child. Is it still-born. Did it not form properly.
Please let me hear my baby's cry so I will know it is ALIVE!!!! Then a
cry bursts forth and the mother knows her child has been born ALIVE!!!
She has heard a certain sound, a SIGN which tells her her baby is ALIVE!
Now, in the spiritual, "seed" is planted by faith in the Word of God. It is
conceived and nurtured and as this "burden" is carried, in the fulness of
time, there should be a point of travail, perhaps weeping, groanings and
in time there is sweet deliverance! As the "mother, church" that is giving
birth to this "child" realizes this child has been delivered, she listens for a
certain "sound". She wants to know that this is a LIVE birth. Suddenly there
is a sound that lets her (church, mother) know that it is indeed a LIVE
birth. No, it is not the cry of a natural birth, but it is the cry of a spiritual,
because that cry is the language of the Spirit!! The mother (church) knows
by that certain sound that this "child" has been "born again" because this
"man-child" is speaking their Father's language!!
Jesus said in
John 3, that except a MAN be born of water and
and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Is not the
water (water baptism) and the Spirit (spirit baptism). And would he not
began to speak the language of the Spirit when he enters into the
kingdom of God (Spirit). God is a Spirit! If you come into this world,
you would expect to speak the language of that family or father!
These thoughts are not to offend or be in agreement or disagreement
with anyone. They are for sincere dialogue.