Originally Posted by Dantheman1
Contrary to your last comment, it is not you who liberates any woman or man, it is Christ Jesus. I believe the best way to view this observation of historically shameful behavior is simply to trust that God had his hand in the church fathers of these last few centuries. Who through the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, opened not only their understanding of women's roles in church today,( although there are many Hispanic Pentecostal churches who still forbid women to preach based on what Paul wrote in the epistles). They also stood next to their wives whose struggles mirrored that of the feminine roles in our multi-cultural influenced society we live in. Most women in Pentecost history had no confusion over their ministries and God's will in their lives. They often harbored, nutured, and educated men in their schools they founded to bring forth the spread of Pentecostal movement. Praise God for the hindsight, foresight and insight into what HE is doing today!
(Call me long-winded, there's nothing good on TV these days).
Where have you been? As you can see I've been very busy. However, nobody is denegrating the womans role, I'm referring to the abuse of women in society and across the world today, even in the religious churches, ie muslim, mormonism, etc.