Perhaps this will help someone here to get over past hurt. I hope and trust so because these 5 guidelines work.
1. Choose to live in the present and not the past. Rather than let past injustices destroy any hope of being fruitful in the now, Joseph forgot the past and focused on the present. Through the grace of God, so can we.
2. Choose to free those who have injured you. Through God's grace, we can forgive even without discussing the past.
3. Remember that in the injustice, God is present. When God permits evil, He will use it for some higher end. We can move beyond our past when we can embrace it as part of His good plan.
4. Choose to bless those who have wronged you. Joseph did and Jesus commands us to (Matt. 5:44). Blessing those who have wronged you has the power to set you free.
5. Choose not to retaliate. Vengeance is God's business, not ours. Trust God to right all wrongs in the day of judgment.