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Old 02-26-2007, 01:37 PM
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revrandy revrandy is offline
His Eminance, High Potatohead Potatotate

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Casting a Vision and catching a Reflection

Casting a Vision and catching a Reflection

“Without a vision the people perish.”

Can men become Visionaries when they constantly live in the past?

I was thinking this weekend this thought. What is a Vision?
I have a commute every weekday here in the San Joaquin Valley of about thirty miles or so to work. I can honestly tell you there has not been one day of my six plus years that I have ever regretted driving either way. While on the Freeway I-5 I can see for miles. To the East I can see the snow capped mountains and to the West I can see the mountains along the coast. On clear days I can see for about 150 miles both ways and it is absolutely beautiful. It always reminds me of the importance of having a vision.

The Vision is what drives us to complete the Masters Work by which we have been called. A Vision is what is set before us as we work our way to completing the work that God would have us to do. “The Fields are white unto Harvest” Gives us an insight that there is a Vision that God wants us to have when we look at the souls that inhabit this earth. There is progressive march that we should endure when we as Men of God take the responsibility to accept the mantle that has been placed on our shoulders to cast the Vision before the People and have them take up the battle cry of conquering a dry and thirsty land and bringing the Hope that we have to a lost and dying world.
Vision is what carries us thru times of Lean and times of Gain constantly working towards the Goals that God gives us in prayer and in our sight.

But I am wondering if we are really progressing when it seems that we are constantly looking behind us missing what we had or used to have. Jesus said in the New Testament that no man having put his hand to the plough and looking back is fit for the kingdom. One man said Lord I will follow you but I will miss what I have at home and before I can follow you I will have to go back first and then I’ll come. It seems to me that every time I hear the Terms “Old Fashioned Revival” and “The Way It Used to Be” we are constantly looking back and not forward. In other words we looking at the reflections of the Visions we used to have and not casting new visions forward. We are pining for something that has long past and unless we answer the call of Jesus today we truly will not be fit for the kingdom of God.

Here is what happens when a man who is plowing looks back. The rows he is plowing become crooked and instead of keeping with straight lines to complete the Harvest he no longer has the vision he once had and after all the Work of planting when he looks upon field all he sees is the crooked lines and the mess and can no longer see a successful harvest. Then he begins to look at past fields where his vision was cast and fresh and he didn’t look back but kept his vision straight and planted correctly and reaped a great Harvest and he longs for the days of old. And now when he plants he can’t keep his vision of what is to come for the reflections of what he used to be.

I am telling you today.... KEEP THE VISION FRESH..

Stop looking at past harvests and stop wishing you had the fields you used to have. God has a new Field for you to plant with a FRESH harvest for you to gather. All you have to do is stop looking behind you and start looking ahead. Stop talking about what we used to have or the way things used to. Stop saying you wished you could go back to those days. I am telling you today those things are gone. They were yesterday. God has a New Vision for you today. All you have to do is begin looking ahead and not behind.

Don’t live in the reflections of past Visions. Let God instill a New Fresh Vision in you Today!

Just some thoughts..
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