Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968
I don't believe there is a certain template that a church needs to follow. I know we usually follow a traditional service at times, i.e prayer, worship, testimonies, preaching, alter call, and then fellowship. Yet there have been plenty of times we just ministered to a need. No worship, no preaching just ministering to the present need.The church needs to be instant in season and out of season, we need to follow what the spirit wants. I have been in services and I'm sure others will agree, that we just prayed the entire service.
We've had many services like that, where the Spirit of the Lord just moved on us, and we never got around to the "service". It was just about letting God do as He wills.
Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968
In my opinion, I feel the spirit is able to minister a lot easier in a home rather than a church building, especially with new converts. Thats why home bibles are so important, church buildings and the church service (in the building) can be intimidating.
The building isn't what matters, it's the people of God actually being sensitive to the moving of the Spirit. I don't think God cares if we meet in our homes or a building, so long as we listen to His Spirit and follow where He leads us.