Originally Posted by Scott Pitta
Parents who do not vaccinate their children should be held liable for the deaths other children experience due to disease outbreak from unvaccinated children.
Vaccinate your kids. Or be held responsible for the deaths of others.
1. You are a troll, you never explain yourself or demonstrate any proof of your over the top absurd claims. Therefore, nobody bothers trying to enlighten you any more. Your ignorance remains and your below-replacement-level birthrate (common to intellectual liberal types like yourself) is a guarantee both you and your progeny will be irrelevent.
2. For the readers: if unvaccinated children cause death by spreading disease, then it proves vaccines dont work. Besides the FACT that outbreaks of diseases are occurring among the vaccinated population, again proving vaccines are a fraud and dont work. Besides the FACT that vaccines have been PROVEN to be completely ineffectual in prevention of diseases. Besides the FACT that numerous children have been killed by vaccines. Besides the FACT that many more have suffered permanent damage from vaccines. Besides the FACT that vaccines have been DEMONSTRATED to NOT contain any anti-disease ingredients. Besides the FACT that vaccines have been DEMONSTRATED to include an entire human genome sequence (meaning they are nothing else than a delivery system for CRISPR genetic engineering). Besides the FACT they are therefore now known for what they always were: INTENTIONAL biowarfare agents. Besides the FACT that those who push vaccines (including parents) ought to be held liable for the deaths and damages caused by vaccines, according to Scott Pita's own logic. Besides the FACT that vaccines are pushed by the very same people who push every single anti human, anti civilisation, anti Christ agenda under the sun. Besides all these FACTS (and more), people like Scott routinely demand people be harmed and coerced at gunpoint while never themselves volunteering to be the enforcers. In light of all these FACTS, all that needs to really be said to antifamily antiparent antichild and antiGod liberals like Scott is "Your move, jump if you feel froggy."