Re: Massive shakeup going on!
Originally Posted by Apostolic1ness
Originally Posted by KarenJo View Post
If these men want to leave then they should go but I don't think it's fair to pull the congregations out. ESPECIALLY if the church was built with the help of the UPCI and their programs. This is a problem with the ego of some Pastors/Ministers. It's MY CHURCH instead of saying it is Gods church. I know that Pastors have to do what they feel is right but the church body needs to have a say in what is going on. I've seen too many "daughter" works start with the support of a church and somewhere along the way, the "Pastor" decides to pull out of the Organization or they want to go independant. Whatever the reason, if the group was started under the umbrella of the local church, then they need to turn it back to the local church and go start their own work. Just my opinion...
I would say the saints dont belong to the Pastor or the organization. From what I've seen if a Pastor desires to go independent the Church body is usually already on board with this decision. I have a problem with holding allegiance to religious organizations just because. In the above post it is mentioned these Pastors need to start their own work. What about the souls that have been saved during their pastorate or the families that have been put back together or marriages that have been saved during their time there? Organization didnt do that, God did it through a pastor.
Not sure who the original poster of this post was but its an insult to the office and ministry of a Pastor to think just because the local church was built by a certain organization or partially funded in some way if that Pastor chooses to go independent that he should leave and start his own church. As if the pastor is not the visionary and leader of the church.
KJ has a good point. The organization did help the work by supporting that work. Now every story isn’t the same. Some brothers never take any monies to build the work while they were in the UP. Therefore there is no foul. But another issue is fellowship. Breaking off with an organization which you were once committed to and your people were committed to and involved with. Again, this is a topic which is IMPOSSIBLE to broad brush.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence