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Old 10-11-2018, 01:27 AM
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Esaias Esaias is offline
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Millennial Madness


Sean Gore wrote an article over on the Pentecostal Perspective blog about why he thinks Millennials are leaving the church. I assume he is probably referring to the UPC, although he might be referring to the WPF or some other group. In any event, his three reasons are:

1. The needs of Millennials aren't being met and their issues aren't being addressed. He defines this as primarily as churches not having a separate "young adult department". He asks "How can the church expect millennials to stay in our churches, if the church isn’t attempting to reach them and address the issues and problems they are facing?" Apparently, for Mr Gore, the only way the "needs of Millennials" and their "issues and problems" can be addressed, indeed, the only way Millennials can even be reached, is via a "separate young adult department". Funny, young adults between the ages of 20 something to 30 something have always seemed to do just fine in churches and throughout society without needing a special interest department to cater to their "felt needs, issues, and problems." This article unfortunately lends more credence to the stereotype of Millennials as having a real issue and a real need to be told to quit whining and thinking they are the center of their universe. It seems that narcissism and self-interest are at the forefront of the issues and problems facing Millennials.

2. There aren't enough Millennials in leadership positions. He asks "... how can we expect someone who is multiple generations ahead of millennials to be in a position to lead and relate to millennials who are inherently different than other generations and are facing issues no other generation has been in a position to face?" Isn't it just amazing that Mr Gore, apparently like many self-identified Millennials, simply can't stand the thought of listening to and following the old fogeys currently in leadership. Apparently Mr Gore never read the Scriptures that speak about honouring the elders, rising before the gray headed older folks when they enter the room, or even the very meaning of the word "elder". The Bible teaches that God's people, from the beginning on through the New Testament church and on into eternity even, are governed by ELDERS. And the word elder literally means OLDER. It is the OLDERS who are in leadership positions precisely because they are OLDER. They have been around the block a few times more than the others, and are therefore the proper Biblical subjects of appointments to leadership and oversight positions. Not wanting to honour elders, disrespecting them and demanding that churches push the old folks off the platform to make way for a bunch of ignorant youths who "really understand what's going on", is a clear sign of depravity and sinfulness and the curse of God - see Isaiah 3:4 and 3:12. And what will these Millennials do in eternity? What will they do when they discover there are four and twenty ELDERS all around the throne, seated on 24 thrones of their own, and they themselves aren't on those thrones? Indeed, that's just assuming these Millennial upstarts make it there...

3. Lack of authenticity in an attempt to be relevant. Mr Gore says the third reason he sees Millennials leaving churches is because many churches are facing an "identity crisis". They try to be relevant to the world, and attempt to draw in young adults (Millennials) by adopting programs and efforts and practices that conflict with the established "brand identity" of the Oneness Pentecostal church. He says the way to combat this is to "hold fast to the brand and culture of your church". Which is strange, because Pentecostals, especially Oneness Pentecostals, have always been accused of being "old fashioned". And that "old fashioned" brand identity and culture includes the idea of proven ELDERS running the church, and that what every generation needs is more Jesus, not more programs and departments. So, Mr Gore shoots himself in his own foot here.

He concludes with this: "If you incorporate the previous things along with staying true to your identity millennials will not be leaving the church so hastily." So, if the churches create departments and programs specially designed for (and I assume by) Millennials, and puts more Millennials in leadership (more of the "diversity" nonsense where promotion is identity based instead of merit based, because the old merit based way of doing things is so "old fashioned" and "un-diverse"), while "retaining brand identity and culture" - whatever that means - then Millennials will not be leaving the church so hastily. Sounds like a veiled threat, if you ask me. "Give us what we want, but let us keep the name and reputation you old folks have worked so hard to build up, or else we'll be leaving the church."

I think what a lot of Millennials really need is old fashioned salvation, because the way a lot of these folks talk I don't think they got it like their elders got it.
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