Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen
Oh and thanks for the videos you gave me something to do tonight! I'll comment back later!
Video #1 she said some really outlandish stuff but the most outlandish of all she said was that prayer wasn't spiritual at all. She was talking mumbo jumbo.
Video #2 was way too much all I heard was the Catholic freestyle chant going on and her praying to the sinful son, and I went on to the next one.
Video #3 Louis Farrakhan is lost in the sauce, and the most honorable Elijah Muhammed (as he calls him.) My question what is this God Yahoo that he's talking about? Must be one of Mark Cuban's kinfolks that he names the website after. He spoke straight mumbo jumbo. That was all unfounded, im still in shock at the depravity of that false doctrine. Most false doctrine has at least some truth, but that is all propaganda, that runs off the fuel of racial hate. That's severely ridiculous, anybody reprobate enough in racism that they would adopt that theology is mind boggling to me.
Video #4 Must wear magic underwear 24 hours a day? And some of our people are upset about long sleeves! These people, follow a man Joseph Smith who was known for his tall tales. And if you don't do all that is required you get castrated on entry into heaven? SMH strange doctrines...
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