Help! Tormented dreams
I need some spiritual advice. I have a problem (unwanted dreams) I have been suffering from for about 15 years. They don't happen all the time but enough to cause me distress and affects my relationships with certain ppl and the way I view myself at times. I cannot and will not tell the details of these dreams but just know they are utterly awful!! I feel so guilty upon waking up and hate myself from dreaming such awful things. And I feel so helpless becuase i can't control my dreams. I want these dreams to stop! But don't know what to do. I.. am also doing things in my sleep that I am not aware of (husband has seen me do and has told me upon waking) even after he tells me I still have no memory of doing.
Also want to note that in my daily life I do not engage in sinful viewing of any sort.
I was told that there isn't a problem in which the Bible doesn't have an answer... But I have searched and cannot find any issues with being tormented with awful dreams. Can someone guide me?