Is there are open discussion area on the forum?
Hello. I come from an Apostolic background and I still hold to the Apostolic belief in absolutely one God. Yet in my spiritual walk I've come to believe many things that Apostolics don't traditionally believe. Sometimes I enjoy discussing those things with individuals here who are also from an Apostolic background. Sometimes the feedback gives me food for thought. However, I did receive an infraction a while back for promoting what is considered by the admins to be "false doctrine". I apologize and I do enjoy my membership here, but I don't want to break any rules. Is there a place on this forum wherein one can freely discuss various doctrines, ideas, or understandings that might be off the beaten path without violating any of the forum rules? If not, I'll keep whatever beliefs and ideas I have private and only comment or participate in topics that do not delve into those areas of difference.
Respectfully submitted,