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Old 06-06-2007, 09:15 PM
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Bishop1 Bishop1 is offline
" Ole Tyme Holiness Or Hell Preacherman "

Join Date: Feb 2007
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Posts: 439
" W O R D S "

" W O R D S "


" W O R D S "


' W O R D S "

# 36 - " WHAT ABOUT WORDS "?


According to Webster's dictionary the definition of word is in part,
That which is said; that which is said, a brief remark or expression,
or promise.

What does a word mean?
Theologically speaking word is the Gospel, the Holy Scriptures, the
Revelation of Jesus Christ, the Divine Wisdom, the Logos, the I Am,
Jehovah, God, the Holy of the Ages.

What does a word do?
Webster again; an articulate sound which symbolizes an idea,
to express meaning, to state a fact.

When did words originate?
Not with Webster, Not with man, but with God.
(John 1:1) "And the Word was made flesh (Jesus) and dwelt
among us and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only
begotten of the Father full of grace and truth."

The meaning of Word; speech, sound, to communicate, to
make known. The Word Bible makes known God! Bible comes
from the Greek word meaning Book. Books have not always
been with us, but the Word was in the beginning. Before man,
the earth, the paper, printing, or anything else!
The Word Was...The Word Will Be...The Word Was With God...
And The Word Was God!

(the begotten of God, born of the Virgin Mary, conceived by
the Holy Ghost), was the Word in a body of flesh!
The Word was made flesh and God was made known to man...
God...God's Love...God's Mercy...God Is...God Always Will Be!
Jesus (the Word) brought God down to man! As God in flesh,
He was revealed to man as never before!

Some of the first recorded words that Jesus spoke (Luke 2:49)
" I must be about my Fathers business." The first words spoken
during the temptation in the wilderness (Luke 4:4) "Get thee
behind me Satan, for it is written thou shalt worship the Lord
thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve"!

Jesus said (John 6:3) "The words that I speak unto you, they
are Spirit and they are Life.
" While Jesus was on the Cross, people mocked Him, spit on
Him, plucked His beard, rammed a crown of thorns on His head,
gave Him vinegar and gall to drink, pierced His side, but He
opened not His Mouth.

He spoke every word! He performed every miracle! He wrough
every deed! And when he finished the work He came to do,
The He willingly laid down His life for us! He had completed
His task.
"It is finished'"!

There are sweet words. bitter words, thousands of words.
But one Word is greater, more powerful, more precious,
and far sweeter than any Word ever spoken or set to print.
This word was not first spoken by man, nor was in printed
in a book.

It was spoken by an angel in Heaven, heard on earth, and
since that first utterance it has been spoken by more men..
in more languages...in more places...more times...by more
Authors...in more books than any other Word in the world!
The Word is JESUS!

Jesus left His Throne in Glory just to shed His blood on Calvary's
Cross. That blood still covers and washes away all sin! The
man Christ Jesus, (God manifested in the flesh) came into
this world and paid the greatest debt ever paid. He paid the
sin debt for all mankind. He paid it once and for all. That debt
can never be charged again! It is Paid! It is settled!
It has been taken care of!
It is finished!

John the Baptist cried, "Behold the Lamb of GOD, which taketh
away the sins of the World." Peter said (I Peter 2:24) "Who
his ownself bare our sins in His own body on the tree."
John said (I John 2:2) "And He (Jesus) is the propitiation for
our sins, and not for ours only. but also the sins of the whole
world". Paul said (I Cor. 15:3) "Christ died for our sins according
to the scriptures".

"Words", "Words" There have been many great men, there has
been and only will be...One Jesus Christ Luke 1:31) "Thou shalt
conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son, and thou shalt call
his name Jesus." (Matt. 1:21) "She shall bring forth a son and
thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from
their sins." (Luke 2:21) "His name shall be called Jesus which
was so names of the angel before he was conceived in the womb."

God (who made the world) simply would prepare Himself a body,
then get in that body, and become our Sin Offering.
'It is Finished" became the words of triumph!

"Words" , "Words", "Eternal Words". One God and Only One! Jesus
(robed in flesh) freely provided salvation because He is Love, and
He only could love a sinner as vile as you and me. He laid down His
life so we could be set free!

God commended His love toward us
(Rom. 5:8) "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us". One
name and only one! (Acts 4:12) "Neither is their salvation in any
other for there is non other name under Heaven given among men
whereby we must be saved."
That Name Is JESUS !

We do everything else in the Name Of JESUS so why not be
baptized today in the Name of JESUS for the remission of sins.

- READ and OBEY ACTS 2:38 -
Don't Delay - Do It Today -
"Contact Us And We Will Find An APOSTOLIC CHURCH Near You ".

Bishop J Holland
[Bible Study reprint #36}

"If there come Any unto You, and Bring Not This Doctrine,
Receive him Not Into Your House, Neither bid him God speed:
For He That Biddeth him God speed IS A PARTAKER OF HIS EVIL DEEDS."
{II JOHN 1:10/11}


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