I have a friend who left the UPC many years ago (over 20+) to go the 'mother church' that spawned this shoot in Toledo. She left originally because she married a man who went there. They've stayed through all of this man fiascos. I asked her why in the world she would do that. She doesn't believe for a minute that he's innocent. Her answer is that he is only the senior pastor. That he preaches probably less than anyone else there. And that she has very little, if any, contact with him. And while she freely admits that he has big problems, she also feels that there are some others on staff there who are worth staying for.
Personally, I couldn't step foot in that church and be comfortable. The news of what he did exposing himself took place right outside of where I live. Ewwww. Can you imagine listening to someone preach and wondering the whole time if he planned to leave the service and head to the park so he could................???
My neighbor and all of her family was baptized at their church. But she left when that whole exposure thing came out. Now she's going nowhere. Look at the damage that someone like that can do. What a tool in Satan's hands!
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !