Sermon on The Mount: instructional or Informative?
Jesus' Sermons on The Mount and Plain give concisely principled instructions for His Followers. Yet, the context of His remarks when spoken was to an audience of what most likely were exclusively Jews, although the Text does not directly say so. But, indicators in the Text do show only Jews were present. They all were served food by the Disciples, which would have not been done with Gentiles. The remarks of Jesus were all related to the Mosaic Law, of which Gentiles would have had no knowledge or interest.
So, what exactly does Jesus' Sermon on the Mount/Plain have to do with us today? If it is relevant, tell us how you follow all of Jesus' Commands in it. If you think it is only informational for the purposes of helping us to have a spiritual perspective, then tell us how you justify not following Jesus' Commands within it.
Either way, it cannot be ignored. God put it in Scripture for a clear and important purpose. If you claim to "know God" as a Follower, or even as an Apostle, you should have a clear and authoritative answer here to this very simple question.