I actually received several emails about this man's case and just mentally accepted the reality that when you have the death penalty, innocent people will die. Oklahoma citizens WANT the death penalty. There isn't anything I can really do about this anyway. Without really looking into the details, I figured the guy is probably guilty anyway. I just assumed and went on about my way, looking at "more important" emails.
Then I read this article.
Then I dig into more details.
Then I wonder, if this guy was set up, really set up, how many other people have actually been MURDERED by the citizens of their state?
MURDERED based on faulty information.
MURDERED based on lies.
We care so much for little ones, but are our hearts too cold towards the bigger humans that actually populate this planet?
This man was LITERALLY HOURS away from being MURDERED. Don't you care?
I honestly didn't, but now I do and it is making me question the civility of even having a death penalty.
Most other "pro-life" people won't care about his case as much as they will care about a pulsating blob inside of a woman that may or may not even make it to term.
In fact, being "pro-life" is a good indication that you will be in favor of the death penalty, which is... ironic in a sad way.
Way to go citizens of Oklahoma!