Originally Posted by shazeep
I'm more curious in how many times you have been attacked by a Muslim...you can answer that from your living room, so no pressure there.
Yes, ignore Ft. Hood, ignore the Oklahoma workplace beheading, ignore the attacks overseas. Apparently, since anon5 hasn't
personally been attacked, it must not be happening.
IMO, the reason muslims aren't attacking more here in the States is because most US citizens use their right to bear arms. It's very common to see people wearing a pistol in stores or other public places where allowed.
Originally Posted by shazeep
I find the most telling rebuttal of 911 to be OBL's "I sure wish i could take credit for it--i would be proud to. But i can't."
The use of quotation marks indicates that this is a direct quote. Please post the source for this alleged quote.
Originally Posted by shazeep
Nevermind the strong evidence that it was an inside job now--which btw even most Americans now accept. Don't let your eyes deceive you, wadr.