Re: Why I Am A Futurist
I think you could say the kingdom is physical presently and we are to be in it now (we still are physical beings). When Jesus said His kingdom is not of this world I think that he really was meaning that His throne was going to be far greater then just another nation of the world like the Jews wanted. It makes me look back to the book of Samuel where Israel said gives us a king so we can be like the other nations of the world. God told Samuel Israel has not rejected you but it has rejected Me. The kingdom of God exists now on this earth as the children of God, but we are awaiting the day that Jesus declares His Lordship over all His creation. One day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. We must be about his business now while there is time. We currently possess authority from God. The Holy Ghost is the earnest of our inheritance. It is a taste to suffice us until he returns and to accomplish His work inside everyone. God is so good!!!