UPDATE: My daughter came thru the birth of our granddaughter little Emily Yvonne. Bro Brian Kinsey (a close family friend and pastor of First Pentecostal) sent an anointed prayer cloth for our daughter that was taped to her during her surgery and thank God, she is making a full recovery. However, Emily is 6 weeks early, and she is having some serious complications from her birth. She is on oxygen because of her lungs being under developed and also a feeding tube. This morning they see signs of pneumonia and are speaking of sending her by Life Flight to Billings to the Neonatal ICU. Billings is over 5 hours from where we are and no one will be able to be with her until tomorrow
She has the anointed cloth around her tiny leg and we are trusting God to undertake NOW for her and my family~ My daughter is heart broken as is this family but we wont give up on what we are asking God to do and trusting him for! PLEASE BE PRAYING FOR LITTLE EMILY AND MY FAMILY!!! THANK YOU!!! I will be back with updates and good news as soon as possible in JESUS NAME!!