Re: Repubs plan to stop Obamacare w/o Gov't Shutdo
Why is it so many people are so STUPID! The Republicans are talking of stopping the funding of Obamacare! Let me say it again.... s l o w l y!!!! The Republicans are going to stop the funding of Obamacare!!! One more time!!!! The Republicans are going to stop the funding of Obamacare!!! THEY ARE STILL FUNDING THE GOVERNMENT, .... JUST NOT FUNDING OBAMACARE!!!!
Now let's see if we can figure this out. To shut down the government.... you don't fund the government. To shut down Obamacare, you don't fund Obamacare!!!! Fund the Government, don't fund Obamacare.
DEMOS!!!!! Can you understand? No one on the Republican side has said shut down the government.... It's shut down Obamacare while funding the Government. IT'S THE DEMOS, DUMOS THAT ARE SAYING IF YOU DON'T FUND OUR PET PROJECT, "OBUMERCARE" WE WILL SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT.
So stop your lying. It's the democrats that are saying "if you don't fund Obamacare we will shut down the government and blame the Republicans for it!" Sounds like kids in the back seat...... He touched me! NO! HE TOUCHED ME! He touched me first! Waaaa Waaaa I want my way! Make him stop!!!!
One more time..... Stop the funding of Obamacare and let the government continue to operate with the funding that is set aside for the Government. One final statement..... We can't afford what the government is spending to operate the country. But!!!!! We sure can't afford to spend the normal operating costs, (which by the way, were being spent before Obama conceived his pet project Obamacare) and we sure can't afford the escalating costs of Obamacare!
STOP THE SPENDING!!!!! STOP THE SPENDING!!!!! And start "the stop" by defunding Obamacare, while caring on the operation of the government! Don't shut the government down.....just shut up Obama and the lying liberals as you shut down Obamacare!.
Been Thinkin"
"From the time you're born, 'til you ride in the hearse, there ain't nothing bad that couldn't be worse!"
LIFE: Some days you're the dog and some days you're the hydrant!
I have ... Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia! The fear of long words.
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