No one can explain apostolic scripturally. It is all speculation. Rosie O'Donnell is just as apostolic as you are. Picking a few words of scriptures for a selective self serving definitions doesn't mean a thing. We know legalism breeds self-serving definitions. Can't call electronice video devices a television. Have to call it a monitor to get by the standards patrol. Can't have television because of the junk that's on it. But it's okay to have internet access.
Even if I wanted to explain what an apostolic is, there are no scriptures to define what an apostolic is. I choose to stay in the Word. People can make up their own minds.
I notice the novel approach of denying the fact your definition of apostolic is not a mainstream definition of apostolic. You're pseudo concern of whether I'm sharing my faith or not is irrelevant to the conversation.
Your post proves since you have no credible defense against the message, to attack the messager. Annas and Ciaaphas would be so proud of you.
Originally Posted by OGIA
Bro. Strange,
I agree with your post, but I don't see what it has to do with the thread? Someone spoke to an educated, religious woman who thought "Apostolic" was defined by outward standards and with legalism. It was also said, "She doesn't equate an apostolic as being a spirit filled believer who operates in the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost."
While your post has truth in it, it does not answer the problem this woman has. She might be educated and religious, but she is not born again (that I've read) and apparently no one has ever taken the time to talk with her about what she believes and why, and, even moreso, explain scripturally what "Apostolic" does mean.
I don't see it and can't assume it didn't happen, but I wonder if the originator of this thread has an Apostolic church which "operates in the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost" to take her to? If so, was she invited?
Also, I wonder how the originator of this thread answered this educated, religious woman's definition? Did he/she attempt to define "Apostolic" by scripture, or did he/she just agree and reinforce this woman's ignorance? If the latter, then I don't know why he/she would even start this thread, seeing as he/she shirked his/her responsibility to this woman.
It's fun to come on and bash standards, but I wonder if the educated, religious woman in this thread is any closer to being born again than she was before the conversation? That's what it's all about, isn't it?