Originally Posted by mfblume
First let me say that gay bashing is wrong.
And now let me say that some people will go to hell who had the Holy Ghost.
The Spirit is not given because we are perfect, but to lead us to all truth. It's up to us how much we allow the Spirit to successfully lead us. He will not force us to do right. We can have the Holy Ghost and never serve God the way we should. Think of Israel led by the Pillar of fire in the wilderness. Did the presence of the fire mean tall they did was fine?
The Spirit does not leave us as soon as we sin. He is longsuffering. The whole concept that that proposes that whatever state someone is in when they get the Holy Ghost determines that their activities are okay is extreme error. And if you base your entire concept of initial evidence "theory" on that mistaken concept, then seeing your basis as your reason can only encourage those who believe in evidence "theory" moreso about their "theory".
PS: Check out: http://www.gcmwatch.com/5125/dottie-...ingers-beliefs
Dottie Rambo manager sets the record straight on late singer’s beliefs
Dottie Rambo's stand against her daughter's church was a stand against inclusionism which tolerated homosexuality as not being a sin. So it was not as though Reba allowed gays to attend and did not condone their lilfestyle.

But,....when having a conversation with a practicing homosexual or those that are straight but agree/allow this lifestyle,(which I have had) there becomes the argument that we are homfobes because we say "love the sinner, not the sin"; and what u have quoted above . They will argue our thoughts & feelings on this, saying, "you say that, but you really mean that your are(homofobic, or racist or whatever).
I becomes a matter of convincing "them" that we love them and at the same time do not embrace their lifestyle. So because we don't embrace their lifestyle, we are liers and hypocrites. Its a ficious cycle. They say, "but doesn't Jesus love homosexuals? And then they start quoting scriptures to back up Gods love and acceptance of this. ...sigh...
It really seems almost better to not say anything, till they ask you. And if they ask how u feel about it, by this time you have a friendship built and they have a respect and trust of you. That's when God can plant a seed. Forcing a seed to be planted before the flower bed is made or the garden is tilled and fertilized, cause the parable effect on that persons life:the sower
Luke 8:4-15 (vs12-Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved.)
soooo didn't mean to start anything...
Rom.8:38,39-For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither heigth nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to seperate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
I AM the VOICE of REASON and SANITY around here!
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