Originally Posted by Whole Hearted
Holiness in lifestyle, one that doesn't go to ballgames, theaters or watch TV.
Holiness of dress, women in dresses below the knees, at least 3/4 sleeves no jewelry or any kind (including wedding rings), no make up of any kind, no cut hair or dyed hair.
Men no jewelry, good haircut, long sleeves, no facial hair etc.
I seriously have wanted to weep over this post. Have we come to the place where somebody asks us what holiness is and we point them to a dress code?
BRO WH....the things of which you speak are NOT yeah verily I say NOT "HOLINESS". They are seperation standards and convictions.
Holiness is JESUS CHRIST...PERIOD! His nature, his essence. Ballgames, theaters and tv are NOT Holiness...they are YOUR convictions.
This is a slap in the face to the very nature of Calvary. To think that when WH is asked what HOLINESS is, he goes directly to outward...outward ...outward. That is a disgrace to the Apostolic Movement and the very church of the Living God.
What about inward Bro...what about deceit, lying, idoloty, gossip, backbiting, envy, fornication...ect ect...NOW those ARE Holiness issues.
To think a lost world would ask you "PASTOR WHOLE HEARTED..how can I be h"HOLY"....you would actually say...no tv, no sports, no cut hair, no shorts, no makeup, no jewelry, no rings, no perms, no movies, no theaters, no swimming, no skits below the knee, no short sleev shirts, no red, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AGH!!!! I could SCREAM!!!!!!!!
NO WONDER the Modern christian world is kicking our backsides on winning a lost world!!!!!
I for one am embarassed that I share an organization with this type of garbage thinking!