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Old 02-20-2011, 01:02 PM
DAII DAII is offline
Freedom@apostolicidentity .com

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AFF Owner: Apostolic Identity Rooted in Racism?

Originally Posted by Hoovie View Post
About 15 years ago I was exposed to the Christian Identity movement. Some Apostolic people who were close to me were involved in this faux KKK movement. For those not familiar with the Christian Identity movement Wiki has some good info on it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christi...ntity_movement

At the time several Apostolic ministers adhered to the tenets Christian Identity. Their religious fanaticism either marginalized the Jews and other "non white" races or openly named them as children of the devil.

With the recent resurgence of the apostolic Identity term and attempts to redefine the same, it brings questions about those who propagated the Identity message - even while licensed ministers of the UPC and other Apostolic churches.

I know the government was cracking down hard on these groups and the "Identity" ministries who propagated the teachings. Does anyone know the current status of these Apostolic Identity ministries?

At least one of these was located in Michican, and had close ties to the better known Pete Peters and his Scriptures for America http://www.sfaw.org/
Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
I don't think the so called Apostolic Identity has any comparison to Christian Identity. It seems to be more about Apostolic doctrine. In any case, it's a sad sad fact that there are racists that call themselves Apostolic
Originally Posted by Hoovie View Post
I don't know that there is a "link" to either one at all. They are both redefining the term. However, for those of us who were exposed to the Christian Identity groups and in particular Apostolic Identity it is very peculiar indeed.

When I first started hearing term bandied about in mainstream Apostolic churches I thought, "man, do they really want to do that?"
Originally Posted by Hoovie View Post
I agree. It simply made me wonder about the wisdom of using a label that has the FBI's keen interest.
In what can only be described as either as a very strange and morose sense of humor or THE BIGGEST BRAIN FART IN FORUM LAND HISTORY ..

Steven Hoover believes Apostolic Identity is either linked or is comparable to the racist Christian Identity movement of a decade a half ago ...

Is he trying to assert that the term or label has its roots in the Christian Identity movement? I think the answer is A RESOUNDING, YES.

Not sure if that's the histrionics of the term, nor how the term is used by the likes of his superintendent, DKB. Did these ministries, which one poster called a British Israelism movement use this term?

In the 4 years I've posted with him, this is the first time I've heard him bring this "thought" up. Good to see Praxeas keeping his wits about him.

Not sure as to the motivation or reasoning for such a thought.

Whether it's a slam at the UPCI's use of the term or the term in general ... the timing seems odd.

I know he's a UPCIer.

The reasoning seems very flawed with little evidence that this movement was ever an "Apostolic Identity" movement.

Any casual reader could walk away that Hoovie's reasoning goes something like this:

1. There was a movement call "Christian Identity" ... and it was a faux KKK movement filled with religious fanaticism
2. Some apostolics subscribed to this movement
Thus, they had apostolic identity ministries and were a faux KKK movement as well

The ethereal question that seems to float to nothingness (because no one has a clue) is ...
"Does anyone know the current status of these Apostolic Identity ministries?"

This link is troublesome, as well..
"With the recent resurgence of the apostolic Identity term and attempts to redefine the same, it brings questions about those who propagated the Identity message"

The remarks he's made.... clearly show he links or compares the term Apostolic Identity with the Christian Identity movement ... and believes it lacks wisdom because Christian Identity is on some FBI watch list ... and would resist using this term because of it has "racist" roots ... this despite ZERO EVIDENCE to show their is a correlation.

This is like questioning the Woo Tang Clan wisdom for using the word Clan in their name because the Ku Klux Klan used it first ...

Or questioning Larry Booker for using the term Rock Church because we know Rock N' Roll is of the debbil and has been linked with sex and drugs. Or because Rock is the street word for crack.

Or using the word Apostolic because the Vatican (the great harlot in some eyes) does.

You got to be kidding me.

He can say he's not advocating a link but for something to be REDEFINED it must be defined first ... and Hoovie gets the gas mask for even suggesting such hooey/ignorance.
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