Originally Posted by OldPathsII
I appreciate your thoughts, OneAccord. I'm not trying here to have a bible-discussion, that's for another time, and I'm sure some will pounce on that statement. I'm just trying to see the lay of the land.
While no one went to the "Cons" and ran them off directly, such a hostile environment has been fostered that it became impossible for them to be here. In that sense, they were run off, I believe. They certainly feel that way, I've talked to them.
Well, AFF is not an entity in and of itself. It is made up of people- people of different veiws. Its a melting pot of sorts. Those that left joined (or formed) groups of like minded people, and, I just wonder how content they are. I mean, from what I have read, those forums are open only to people that agree. How fun is that? A forum full of "Yes men" that have to carefully toe the doctrinal line? Post a belief or veiw that doen't measure up to the "standard" and out you go. I don't want to be a part of a forum or church for that matter that tells me what I must believe. I have the Bible to tell me that. That is my Standard. I appreciate a pastor or evnagelist who sheds more Gospel Light on my pathway, but that Light has to be Good's Word, not some "standard" that was carefully crafted in some board meeting somewhere. Or an ambigious interpretation of some Scripture taken out of context.
A variation of an old saying goes something like this: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
AFF is what we make it. If there is evil on AFF (and by "evil" I'm not referring veiws different from mine).... if theres evil here, its because good folks haven't spoken up enough. If theres division here, its because I haven't screamed UNITY! enough. And believe me, I've yelled it a lot. To no avail? Maybe... but that doesn't stop me from screaming even louder.
So, stand your ground. But be prepared to defend your veiws.