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Old 05-26-2009, 03:02 PM
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Standing Up


I just read the post about that cat named Smith, the preacher who bashed this forum, and then the other one who started cracking on standards.

Has anyone ever tried to call a pumped preacher out during a service. I mean, we shout (not me) when a pumped evangelist says something that we like, but what about when he goes over board and starts on something that is ridiculous? Has anyone ever spoke out when there were tongues but no interpretation. Some people speak in tongues at the church I go to like every Sunday and there is no interpretation, so we are left in the dark. When there is tongues, I pray for interpretations but I just get riddles and phrases that can be applied to anyone. When God wanted to talk to Saul (Paul), He called him by name and there were witnesses. Not so nowadays. What's up with that?

What would happen If we spoke up?
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Old 05-26-2009, 03:07 PM
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Re: Standing Up

Joe if my wife was not rasied UPC and did not teach Sunday School I would stand up in a heartbeat and call em out..LOL That is one thing that gets under my skin is when a preacher is hollering and screaming none of that took place in the bible and if I every hear anything about HMH at my church I will promise you I will be kicked out..LOL
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Old 05-26-2009, 03:12 PM
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Re: Standing Up

O and a big word in the UPC is SHHHHHHH keep quiet don't say nothing and it will fly under the radar like the HMH issue....
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Old 05-26-2009, 05:10 PM
gloryseeker gloryseeker is offline
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Re: Standing Up

Originally Posted by JoeHardy07 View Post

I just read the post about that cat named Smith, the preacher who bashed this forum, and then the other one who started cracking on standards.

Has anyone ever tried to call a pumped preacher out during a service. I mean, we shout (not me) when a pumped evangelist says something that we like, but what about when he goes over board and starts on something that is ridiculous? Has anyone ever spoke out when there were tongues but no interpretation. Some people speak in tongues at the church I go to like every Sunday and there is no interpretation, so we are left in the dark. When there is tongues, I pray for interpretations but I just get riddles and phrases that can be applied to anyone. When God wanted to talk to Saul (Paul), He called him by name and there were witnesses. Not so nowadays. What's up with that?

What would happen If we spoke up?
What an absence of respect. If you don't like what is being preached go somewhere else. It is sad the disrespect that is in America these days.

The Code Pinks of the world who think that going into an assembly and disrupting it because they don't agree with what is being sad is nothing more than a rebellious spirit that the Word of God calls witchcraft.

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Old 05-26-2009, 05:54 PM
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Re: Standing Up

Originally Posted by JoeHardy07 View Post

I just read the post about that cat named Smith, the preacher who bashed this forum, and then the other one who started cracking on standards.

Has anyone ever tried to call a pumped preacher out during a service. I mean, we shout (not me) when a pumped evangelist says something that we like, but what about when he goes over board and starts on something that is ridiculous? Has anyone ever spoke out when there were tongues but no interpretation. Some people speak in tongues at the church I go to like every Sunday and there is no interpretation, so we are left in the dark. When there is tongues, I pray for interpretations but I just get riddles and phrases that can be applied to anyone. When God wanted to talk to Saul (Paul), He called him by name and there were witnesses. Not so nowadays. What's up with that?

What would happen If we spoke up?
Laser beams out of the preacher's eyes, maybe?
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Old 05-26-2009, 05:59 PM
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Re: Standing Up

What about "rebuke not an elder?"

I'd rather let God handle it when someone is out of line, even if it isn't in the time frame I prefer. Two wrongs don't make a right.

If an elder or leader is legitimately in the wrong about something, then follow the biblical method for correction. I certainly don't see a public "standing up" as part of the picture. God is not the author of confusion, and I can certainly see that being confusing to saints in the church, not to mention children looking on.
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Old 05-26-2009, 08:45 PM
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Re: Standing Up

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
What about "rebuke not an elder?"

I'd rather let God handle it when someone is out of line, even if it isn't in the time frame I prefer. Two wrongs don't make a right.

If an elder or leader is legitimately in the wrong about something, then follow the biblical method for correction. I certainly don't see a public "standing up" as part of the picture. God is not the author of confusion, and I can certainly see that being confusing to saints in the church, not to mention children looking on.

As if the children are not already confused. My plan wasn't to get in the guy's face, just question him. Why can't church be a discussion instead of one man's emotions about politics, economy, or standards? In my opinion, elders are those who preach Jesus Christ crucified. People who scream and rage don't strike me as stable role models. Also, about rebuking elders and rebellious lay members: Those "elders" sure don't have any qualms about defending the fact that we God-fearing Americans rebelled against Georgy Boy because he was being a tyrant. What about honoring our kings who are both just and wicked? The Declaration of Independence does not strike me as honor. More like give us what we want or we take it....and in God's name nonetheless. It's very confusing to me how our "Men of God" command us not to question their authority yet our nation was founded on rebellion. I guess that is what you get when you start playing around with ideas like complete freedom. And we wonder why the U.S. is going to hell.

So, if God can honor us knocking over a king in his tyrannical fits, I think maybe I have shot on a smaller scale. I'll pray about it. Thanks for all of your inputs, they really cause me to think about my stands.
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Old 05-26-2009, 10:35 PM
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Re: Standing Up

I think our 'manmade' church is completely out of hand, and don't believe God is too interested in what we have to offer through it. I see Him calling more and more people away from the worldly system we have come to know as 'the church'. It has become the center for control of people, but the question is: who is in control.

I grow weary of the 'tongues' with no interpretation, and I grow weary of pastors who are teaching ideas from their own perspective and not from God's. Our pulpits are polluted by ideas that have no foundation in the Word of God, and now there is a craze of trading in our KJV for more modern versions that take less work to understand (with the proclamation that the newer versions are closer to the original) - sure......

We are certainly living in the times that Paul told us about. It would pay us to make sure we have a relationship with the Savior and not so much the Pastor (though many of them are having more than one relationship).

When it's all said and done, it will be you and Jesus - that's it.......
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Old 05-27-2009, 12:10 AM
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Re: Standing Up

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
What about "rebuke not an elder?"

I'd rather let God handle it when someone is out of line, even if it isn't in the time frame I prefer. Two wrongs don't make a right.

If an elder or leader is legitimately in the wrong about something, then follow the biblical method for correction. I certainly don't see a public "standing up" as part of the picture. God is not the author of confusion, and I can certainly see that being confusing to saints in the church, not to mention children looking on.
Originally Posted by rava61 View Post
I think our 'manmade' church is completely out of hand, and don't believe God is too interested in what we have to offer through it. I see Him calling more and more people away from the worldly system we have come to know as 'the church'. It has become the center for control of people, but the question is: who is in control.

I grow weary of the 'tongues' with no interpretation, and I grow weary of pastors who are teaching ideas from their own perspective and not from God's. Our pulpits are polluted by ideas that have no foundation in the Word of God, and now there is a craze of trading in our KJV for more modern versions that take less work to understand (with the proclamation that the newer versions are closer to the original) - sure......

We are certainly living in the times that Paul told us about. It would pay us to make sure we have a relationship with the Savior and not so much the Pastor (though many of them are having more than one relationship).

When it's all said and done, it will be you and Jesus - that's it.......
Heb 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

To all you that think that the pastor is the here all and see all and if you don't agree with him your in rebelion, check out the meaning of the word obey it mean by persuation. You can't rebel against what you are not persuaded in. If the Pastor is teaching something that is not scriptural you are not in rebelion if you don't beleive it. But there is a right way and a wrong way to address the issue search the word, it is not in a church service eveything should be done so that God gets honour. And you are not honouring God if you make little of the pastor in public. David would not harm Saul because he was God anointed even when he was wrong. By all means if you don't agree with what your pastor is teaching go to him in private and if you can not get in agrement then go somewhere else.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
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Old 05-27-2009, 12:37 AM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: Standing Up

Is an elder defined by physical age or spiritual? Is a 30 year old who spent his entire life in church to defer to a 45 year old who has been going for two?

Is the man or woman who is 38 years and 122 days old supposed to defer to the man (or woman) who is 38 years and 140 days?

Hey, I constantly think of these things!
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