Obviously a foreclosed house pays no taxes.
An unemployed worker pays no state taxes.
I am more of an education advocte than the next person. I also see this is a lesson in business and economics.
A stubborn state rebels and refuses to give vouchers and allow private schools do the teaching. School systems are loaded with high paid suits outside the classroom.
SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) - In a spring rite that has become as predictable as cherry blossoms in the nation's capital, public school employees throughout California warned of wrenching classroom cuts as local officials faced a deadline for issuing layoff notices to educators.
The state Department of Education estimates that preliminary pink slips will have been handed to 26,500 teachers by the Sunday cutoff - two-and-a-half times as many as were issued last year. Another 15,000 bus drivers, janitors, secretaries and administrators also were expected to receive the written warnings, said Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell.