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Old 10-22-2008, 08:45 AM
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

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Old 10-22-2008, 10:31 AM
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

Originally Posted by timlan2057 View Post
Seems like some folks who claim to like democracy obviously like it until it actually happens.

How would I react to an Obama presidency? The same way I would hope any american living in a democracy would react.

I'd still agree to the sentiments of "Hail to the Chief" - the great song that is played at a presidential appearance.

Most of you have heard it but may not be familiar with the lyrics.

It was first played for John Quincy Adams and was originally part of Walter Scott's "Lady of the Lake."

Albert Gamse wrote the modern lyrics and they are rarely sung which is a shame.

They perfectly portray the attitude we should have toward our chief executive whether we voted for him or not.

The lyrics do not demand worship or reverence for a dictator - but a "salute" and "cooperation" for the "chief."

So to President Obama my sentiments would go:

Hail to the Chief we have chosen for the nation,
Hail to the Chief! We salute him, one and all.
Hail to the Chief, as we pledge cooperation
In proud fulfillment of a great, noble call.

Yours is the aim to make this grand country grander,
This you will do, that's our strong, firm belief.
Hail to the one we selected as commander,
Hail to the President! Hail to the Chief!

Sorry, but I couldn't sing the song for Obama. I cannot pledge or salute to him when he has publicly not pledged to our flag and national anthem.
George - as in curious
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Old 10-22-2008, 10:37 AM
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
We're going to pay dearly for it Keith

and I believe that most of America is going to end up

being very sorry they voted for him and I hope the suffer

the wrath of God for it. I degree Judgement!!
You hope they suffer the wrath of God? I hope you were kidding
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Old 10-22-2008, 10:50 AM
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

Originally Posted by Newman View Post
Prayer for our leaders and great sorrow for the end of America as we knew it.

I do not believe Obama could have gotten a security clearance to work in the lowest level of government where security clearances are sought. However, Obama has the AUDACITY to walk through the front door bypassing uncomfortable "distractions" on his way to commanding our military, nuclear weopns and secrets.

But God is still on the throne no matter what He allows to transpire.
I believe you made a great point!

I worked in the security clearance office and there are too many questions either unanswered or questionable that would not allow a clearance granted.

The fun thing about this job was it was called DISCO - The Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office - lol!!!!
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Old 10-22-2008, 11:00 AM
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

Have I already said this?

I will get up in the moring, put my pants on just like I have done all my adult life and go to work.

I will still love my wife and children and think America is the grandest land of all.

On Jan.20 if Barak Obama is sworn in as President, I will still be just as in awe of American democracy as I was the last time power changed hands and a president stepped off the stage and a new one entered.

That moment is magical. It remains a rare occurance when you consider how many people on this planet live without the blessings of liberty.
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Old 10-22-2008, 11:02 AM
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

Originally Posted by keith4him View Post
How will you respond?

Keep in mind that the New Testament was written under the Auto-cratic Roman System that brought forth leaders such as Caligula and Nero.
How will you respond??? Oooh, what you said!!!
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Old 10-22-2008, 11:05 AM
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

Originally Posted by keith4him View Post
How will you respond?

Keep in mind that the New Testament was written under the Auto-cratic Roman System that brought forth leaders such as Caligula and Nero.
I'll be doing lots of praying for the man since he will be my president. I will continue to try to change the world for Jesus through the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, my Lawgiver, my Judge, and my King (Is. 33:22).

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 10-22-2008, 11:26 AM
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
I'll get up Nov. 5 and go to work just like I always do.
Silly, you won't have to go to work on Nov. 5. Obama is going to give everybody Welfare Stamps when he gives them his mark on their foreheads.

I'm sorry. I have been fighting posting this since I read your post, but I couldn't resist. I do understand some of the concerns, but I do believe that a lot of it is hyperbole.
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Old 10-22-2008, 11:31 AM
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
Silly, you won't have to go to work on Nov. 5. Obama is going to give everybody Welfare Stamps when he gives them his mark on their foreheads.

I'm sorry. I have been fighting posting this since I read your post, but I couldn't resist. I do understand some of the concerns, but I do believe that a lot of it is hyperbole.
LOL! I'll have to go to work to pay more taxes so all those welfare stamps can be given out.

I might skip the mark on my forehead - I only wear a moderate amount of makeup!
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Old 10-22-2008, 11:40 AM
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Re: How will you respond to an Obama Presidency

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
LOL! I'll have to go to work to pay more taxes so all those welfare stamps can be given out.

I might skip the mark on my forehead - I only wear a moderate amount of makeup!
I have honestly been fighting the temptation to say that ever since I read your post last night. I probably should have fought harder
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.

Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
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