Please pray for a new book I have released, which has the potential of converting many Trinitarians to the Oneness of God. About 2 ˝ years ago, I discovered that ancient Jews and Greeks believed that heaven was timeless and immutable—the beginning and ending of all things. The apostles understood that the Son of Man ascended into this timeless place. For this reason, Jesus prayed:
“Father, glorify me with thine own self, with the glory I had with you before the cosmos” (
John 17:50
Christ said these words with a common Jewish belief in mind, which taught that the Son of David was pre-existent, not a separate “person” of God. For this reason also, the Bible teaches that the saints dwell before the foundation of the world.
So far my Pastor is the only one who has read this book. He has offered to buy one or two dozen copies to send to other ministers in the U.P.C. Pray that they will take the time to read it. As the fowls that Jesus taught pick up the seed of the Word, it is hard to find anyone who will take the time to read it. Please pray that Satan will be bound from sitting on this work, because it brings to light some of the hardest to understand passages on the Oneness of God.
Bro Russ
PS--I am NOT kidding about the impact that this can have! It is something new to theology (yet an old belief)