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Old 08-18-2008, 03:50 AM
TCSQ TCSQ is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 383
Is this happening in the US yet?

Evidently Big Brother ***IS**** watching! Found this on the net today, could certainly bring out the Paranoic side of me just thinking about it.


My every move being tracked on the net, my every expenidture being tracked on my Card, are we now being tracked on camera as well???? Is that like one big Truman Show???? YIKES!!! I am sure there is no way to reverse this trend, but it is a little disconcerting!

The amazing thing was I lived for many years in a very backward country where even the BANKS did not possess computers or internet connections, but now even THERE everything has changed and I can go into a little mom and pop store and by a candy bar with my ATM card drawing on my account in the US!

Well it is a little too Farenheit 451 ish for my blood, Orwellian for my brain, and Apocolyptan for soul!

And now I live in a much more efficient nation where records are as much a part of life as breathing. I am sure that someone somewhere even knows what I have had for breakfast this morning! Egads!
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Old 08-18-2008, 08:21 AM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Re: Is this happening in the US yet?

Originally Posted by TCSQ View Post
Evidently Big Brother ***IS**** watching! Found this on the net today, could certainly bring out the Paranoic side of me just thinking about it.


My every move being tracked on the net, my every expenidture being tracked on my Card, are we now being tracked on camera as well???? Is that like one big Truman Show???? YIKES!!! I am sure there is no way to reverse this trend, but it is a little disconcerting!

The amazing thing was I lived for many years in a very backward country where even the BANKS did not possess computers or internet connections, but now even THERE everything has changed and I can go into a little mom and pop store and by a candy bar with my ATM card drawing on my account in the US!

Well it is a little too Farenheit 451 ish for my blood, Orwellian for my brain, and Apocolyptan for soul!

And now I live in a much more efficient nation where records are as much a part of life as breathing. I am sure that someone somewhere even knows what I have had for breakfast this morning! Egads!
Yes, I remember reading that book in my Freshman English class and thinking what great fiction...now it has become a reality!
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