Originally Posted by AmazingGrace
Just heard on news here that now they have found proof of abuse (broken bones and recently broken yet healed bones in very young children) this is sad!
Wow. Good thing they are reporting this now and using words like "very young" without indicating ages so that the media doesn't start to wonder about the extra one thousand CPS spots that were recently budgeted for but vacant until the Eldorado ranch procurement.
CPS probably doesn't want them to start wondering about the fact that 2 out of 3 children in foster care in Texas were reported to be on psychotrophic drugs either.
Suspected sex abuse among the boys? Brilliant strategy. Divide and conquer. Confuse them long enough and ask the right questions and they are going to be able to implant some memories in these traumatized children.
After all, that is the real reason for separating the kids from the parents, isn't it?