We serve a great God!!
He is sovereign and moves and operates this universe according to His will and way.
He who made the world from nothing and holds it in place with His hand is like none other. He sees every star that falls from the sky and knows it's name. But the brightest star could not even
begin to compare to the brightness of His glory.
He is a great God!!
He formed this body and not only knows the human makeup, He knows what makes us tick individually. He knows our likes and dislikes...our moods and attitudes. He is aware of the things in our life which have determined the person we are today.
He knew every detail before the dawn of creation. He knew the good and the bad...the highs and the lows...the joy and the sorrow. And yet He loved us enough to humble Himself and take on the form of fallen man. In so doing, He made the greatest of all sacrifice for "
greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
He never ceases to amaze me!! He wakes me up every morning, clothed and with a reasonable portion of a right mind. He keeps me from dangers seen and unseen. He provides and makes a way when there literally seems to be no way.
He opens and closes doors. He gives favor when man would cast me to the four winds. He stops the mouth of the gainsayer...that one who is so unhappy in their own existence, they cannot abide the joy in another.
He is a great God!!
He sets my table with more food than I rightfully need. He provides shelter and a very nice car with which to journey through each day.
He keeps my family healthy, safe and sound.
He gives peace when turmoil and strife seem the order of the day...the kind of peace which passes all human understanding. You know the peace I mean...that peace which speaks in your inner beings that "all is well...regardless of how it looks, all is well!!"
And so tonight, Most Holy and Righteous God...
We stand in awe of your glory
In awe of your grace
In awe of the Spirit we feel in this place
Your surround us...you astound us
Jesus, we're so glad you found us
We stand in awe of you, Lord!!