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Old 03-10-2008, 06:41 PM
Scooter Scooter is offline
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Re: Weedpatch, CA

I am a firm beleiver that when it is your time it is your time. It was Daniels time as it was with Bruce. Both Sad.
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Old 03-10-2008, 06:42 PM
Scooter Scooter is offline
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Re: Weedpatch, CA

Is there any FAITH BABIES in this thread?
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Old 07-27-2009, 03:55 AM
DonnaH DonnaH is offline
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Re: Weedpatch, CA

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Well, I can tell you this much: there was absolutely no way Bruce Campbell would ever go see a doctor. It's true that antibiotics could have saved him, but it would have cost him his standing among the crowd he ran with. I will go so far as to say that, had he gone to the doctor, his whole ministry could have been ruined.

You see, he preached against going to doctors. For him to see a doctor, after all the years he preached against it, would have caused him a lot of shame.

Anyway, I probably shouldn't say too much more about it, because I am liable to cut loose and tell you what I really think about him dying. It's enough to say he died for what he believed.
Originally Posted by dizzyde View Post
I remember hearing about this, Daniel Dawson had died not long before that, and I know that some of his family members were so upset because Bruce had not gone to the doctor about this until it was too late (if at all). They were saying it was such a waste, Daniel had his life ripped from him but Bruce could have avoided his death by going to the doctor when this first started.

I don't know if that is an accurate assessment of the situation, but their feelings were pretty raw at the time.
I'm Bruce's sister Donna. I can't speak for everyone in our family but as for me I wasn't at all upset by his decision. And I know that's also true for his wife and kids, my sister, and also my dad Boots Campbell. Bruce lived what he preached as did my dad who died the year following Bruce. Both trusted in God until the very end. I wasn't there when Bruce passed but I was with my Dad the last few days of his life. He was continually singing right up until he lapsed into unconsciousness a few minutes before he died. He wasn't at all afraid, as a matter of fact, my dad, who loves a captive audience had all of us who were with him laughing hysterically most of the time. He even attended church a day and a half before he died.

I also know that the reason Bruce didn't go to a doctor was not because he was worried it would reflect poorly on his ministry. It was because he believed 1000% that if it wasn't his time to go that God was fully capable of healing him instantly as he had many, many times in the past. Bruce also attended church the night before he died. They had to carry him in on a couch because he was too weak to stand.

I don't think Bruce, dad or Aunt Rita (Dawson) believed it was a sin to go to the doctor, they simply believed that God was more powerful than any doctor and if you truly believed that in your heart why would you need to go to the doctor? They all died trusting God but they've also all been healed trusting God, as were the majority of our family more times than I could count. And not just from little boo-boos, we've been healed from life threatening injuries. Those of you who've read Aunt Rita's book "Twenty years in a place called Weedpatch" are aware of many of these instances. I myself was in a car accident as a child and was paralyzed from the neck down with internal bleeding. I was healed instantly and was outside playing a short time later. I don't think many doctors are capable of that. My Aunt Lacy, who is in her late 90's has never seen a doctor in her life. Her family was called in by her nursing home about a month ago because she wasn't expected to live through the night. About a week later, her sister, who does see a doctor was given a month too live, she died in the hospital 2 weeks later. My aunt Lacy, without any medical treatment, only prayer, is still alive and kicking.

I'm probably an odd person to be defending faith healing, especially to other apostolics, as I've been out of church since my teens. I've just recently began attending again. The reason I restarted was BECAUSE of Bruce & Dad's deaths as well as my mom's a few years earlier. I thought how wonderful it must be to face death without fear knowing with a certainty that you are going to a better place. It's easy to talk about how wonderful heaven is and how you can't wait to get there, the hard part comes when you're put to the test. I can't say I have the kind of faith that they did yet, but it definitely is my goal.
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Old 07-27-2009, 04:07 AM
DonnaH DonnaH is offline
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Re: Weedpatch, CA

Originally Posted by Thad View Post
Rita was one incredible lady. not too many like her around anymore.

we have stacks of her tapes- I'm getting in the mood to dig some of them up LOL
I know this is an old thread, but I'm Rita's niece (Boots Campbells daughter & Bruce's sister). I saw that you said you have stacks of her tapes. Is there any chance I could pay you to make a copy of them for me? Our family has been trying to put together a full set of her tapes but nobody seems to know what happened to the originals and the few that we've been able to come up with are very fragile from repeated playing. It would mean the world to all of our family if we could get copies. Thank you
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Old 07-27-2009, 04:09 AM
DonnaH DonnaH is offline
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Re: Weedpatch, CA

Originally Posted by TalkLady View Post
Yeah...Me, too. I don't have anything on which to play the old album.
I know this is an old thread, but I'm Rita's niece (Boots Campbells daughter & Bruce's sister). I saw that you said you have stacks of her tapes. Is there any chance I could pay you to make a copy of them for me? Our family has been trying to put together a full set of her tapes but nobody seems to know what happened to the originals and the few that we've been able to come up with are very fragile from repeated playing. It would mean the world to all of our family if we could get copies. Thank you
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Old 07-27-2009, 07:18 PM
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Re: Weedpatch, CA

Originally Posted by DonnaH View Post
I know this is an old thread, but I'm Rita's niece (Boots Campbells daughter & Bruce's sister). I saw that you said you have stacks of her tapes. Is there any chance I could pay you to make a copy of them for me? Our family has been trying to put together a full set of her tapes but nobody seems to know what happened to the originals and the few that we've been able to come up with are very fragile from repeated playing. It would mean the world to all of our family if we could get copies. Thank you
If you paste this post in a PM to Thad, his personal email should end up getting a notice if he has not disabled that feature. Thad may not be enough of a regular visitor anymore to see this post while it is still near the top of an active list.

I hope you are successful in this effort.
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Old 09-28-2009, 06:52 PM
yisraelm yisraelm is offline

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Re: Weedpatch, CA

Originally Posted by DonnaH View Post
I'm Bruce's sister Donna. I can't speak for everyone in our family but as for me I wasn't at all upset by his decision. And I know that's also true for his wife and kids, my sister, and also my dad Boots Campbell. Bruce lived what he preached as did my dad who died the year following Bruce. Both trusted in God until the very end. I wasn't there when Bruce passed but I was with my Dad the last few days of his life. He was continually singing right up until he lapsed into unconsciousness a few minutes before he died. He wasn't at all afraid, as a matter of fact, my dad, who loves a captive audience had all of us who were with him laughing hysterically most of the time. He even attended church a day and a half before he died.

I also know that the reason Bruce didn't go to a doctor was not because he was worried it would reflect poorly on his ministry. It was because he believed 1000% that if it wasn't his time to go that God was fully capable of healing him instantly as he had many, many times in the past. Bruce also attended church the night before he died. They had to carry him in on a couch because he was too weak to stand.

I don't think Bruce, dad or Aunt Rita (Dawson) believed it was a sin to go to the doctor, they simply believed that God was more powerful than any doctor and if you truly believed that in your heart why would you need to go to the doctor? They all died trusting God but they've also all been healed trusting God, as were the majority of our family more times than I could count. And not just from little boo-boos, we've been healed from life threatening injuries. Those of you who've read Aunt Rita's book "Twenty years in a place called Weedpatch" are aware of many of these instances. I myself was in a car accident as a child and was paralyzed from the neck down with internal bleeding. I was healed instantly and was outside playing a short time later. I don't think many doctors are capable of that. My Aunt Lacy, who is in her late 90's has never seen a doctor in her life. Her family was called in by her nursing home about a month ago because she wasn't expected to live through the night. About a week later, her sister, who does see a doctor was given a month too live, she died in the hospital 2 weeks later. My aunt Lacy, without any medical treatment, only prayer, is still alive and kicking.

I'm probably an odd person to be defending faith healing, especially to other apostolics, as I've been out of church since my teens. I've just recently began attending again. The reason I restarted was BECAUSE of Bruce & Dad's deaths as well as my mom's a few years earlier. I thought how wonderful it must be to face death without fear knowing with a certainty that you are going to a better place. It's easy to talk about how wonderful heaven is and how you can't wait to get there, the hard part comes when you're put to the test. I can't say I have the kind of faith that they did yet, but it definitely is my goal.
Do you know Bro. and Sis. Capps? He is a mighty man of God.
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Old 09-29-2009, 10:30 AM
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Re: Weedpatch, CA

Originally Posted by DonnaH View Post
I know this is an old thread, but I'm Rita's niece (Boots Campbells daughter & Bruce's sister). I saw that you said you have stacks of her tapes. Is there any chance I could pay you to make a copy of them for me? Our family has been trying to put together a full set of her tapes but nobody seems to know what happened to the originals and the few that we've been able to come up with are very fragile from repeated playing. It would mean the world to all of our family if we could get copies. Thank you

I sent an email to Mark. I'll let you know when he replies.
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Old 09-30-2009, 02:35 PM
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Re: Weedpatch, CA

I love the Dawsons very much...and Brother Campbell was a fine man...
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Old 10-04-2009, 09:03 PM
W. Layton W. Layton is offline
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Re: Weedpatch, CA

Where to begin...I started attending the FJN in Weedpatch in 1949, with my great grandmother (Maggie Choate) we moved there due to her health, from San Francisco. I was 5 yrs old at the time, and Bro Jess Campbell was the Pastor.

Bro Campbell was Rita's Grandfather. He was a great preacher, as was Rita. I grew up at the church and even lived with Rita and Dearl for a while when I was a teenager. I was with them when Mike was born.

Later I went into the Navy and while home on leave I met the girl I married...(we are still married 45 yrs. later.) she was from Cupertino..where Bro. and Sister Noel Daniels pastored.

I can remember, Healings, Devils being cast out, Salvation being sought, Sermons preached and the Lord moving in a mighty way. Rita was a tremendous preacher and I loved to hear her speak, especially when the annointing come upon her. God did use her in a great way.

As for the comment about doctors... In the beginning of that doctrine they did believe it was a sin to go to doctors...but over time they realized that it was not a sin, but if you could have enough faith to accept your healing, you would recieve it. If you could not do so, then a doctor could do all he could and still...it was the Lord that did the healing. Doctors can not heal, the only assist nature...All healing comes frome the Lord, for By His stripe we are healed.

I had to chuckle at Donna's comment about Boot's (her dad) making them laugh....even when he was about to leave this body. He was that was when I was growing up,..always funny, pulling pranks and jokes on people, but a great guy. I moved away before he had children and I don't know any of them.

The last time I saw Dearl and Rita was in the late 70's. I lived and pastored in Tulsa, and they stopped by to visit for a short while. (I think they were there to preach at Bro. Steele's) Not long after that I moved to Indiana and as life goes, we all lost contact.

I heard of Rita's death and of Dearls, Sad, yes...but rejoying also, for they had gone to meet the Lord and I know that they are having a grand time.

I knew Kenny Blackwood, and Rodney Legg.(I heard he passed yrs. ago.) Several of the others mention in this thread I remember and it brings back great memories of my youth.

Where have the yrs gone...I am now 65..Still looking for the return of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I do some missionary work in El Salvador and some evangilistic work around the states.

I am independent, non denominational, and have the pentecostal experiance, of the Holy Ghost. Baptized in the Name of my Lord Jesus Christ.

I wondered what happened to Mike, and I see by this thread he is in Florida..does anyone know where, or have a way to contact him?

The Dawsons and Campbells were grand people that I grew up with and I have never forgetten them. One thing I do know...I will spend eternity with them

BTW, I remember when Rita wrote the song "When time and eternity meet" my wife still sings it in chruch. Dearl used to sing "Oh the downward road is crowded." Mavis Davis (if I remember her last name correctly) and Janice LaCount...man they could sing as could the Weedpatch choir..and I still have the record, its about wore out now.

I named my oldest son after Dearl, even spelled it the same. Dearl was a great influence in my life as a kid and a teenage.

Ok .... enough from me for now...

Oh yes, if any of you posting here remember me, feel free to email.

as a kid I was known as Billy

Last edited by W. Layton; 10-04-2009 at 09:05 PM. Reason: addition info
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