Apparently you never studied stats. It is proven the majority of kids become who their parents are. Alcoholics breed alchoholics, druggies breed druggies, Christians breed Christians, etc. It is a minority of people that do not develop traits, characteristics and beliefs of their parents.
While what you say is true somewhat, the stats would also show a stability in our world, not a decrease in morality and increase in crime.
If bad begats bad, the same should be said of the good. But we aren't seeing that.
It may seem that way, but we haven't had terroist problems in our embassies or on our bases, have we?
Bush was stonewalled in 2001, just taking over the mess that Clinton left in his wake. He'd been in office a whole 9 months when 9-11 happened. With everything else needing to be taken care of required of a president of a country, what else did we expect?
Clinton was in office for 8 years. He had plenty of time to get security measures in order to prevent 9-11...something that was in the making while he was yet in office.
Instead, he was too busy with cigars and women in blue dresses....but I won't go there...
And let's not forget those who died while he was in office that might have exposed a lot of things that we may never know the truth about........
I mean, I had never heard of someone dying from an airplane crash with a bullet in their head, have you?
Or someone committing suicide while his secret papers mysteriously disappear with his last breath?
To me, having another Clinton in office will be detrimental to our nation. We barely survived the first one.
interesting HO, but remember these are clinton people you are talkin to, truth dont matter much, lol,dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
I'd have more (not much) respect for you if you just said I am voting for Obama.*** You keep screaming Mark and I are speaking falsehoods but you haven't taken the time to read Obama's books and learn about him and his church.*** All you talk is snopes and uban legends.*** Why don't you visit his church website and see they pledge allegiance to Africa?*** Why don't you read his own books and find out his most critical years of development were in a Muslim school? b THAT IS NOT RUMOR OR FALSEHOOD OR STUPID EMAILS.*** HE WROTE IT IN HIS OWN BOOK!*** You apparently have no idea how third world countries operate.*** Your ties to Canada are so close to America you can't comprehend what these other foreign countries are like.*** You ought to respect and listen to Sis. Alvear.*** The woman knows what she is talking about.
Pledging allegiance to Africa doesn't make one Muslim anymore than pledging allegiance to China makes one Buddhist.
And it wasn't a Muslim school, but a public school where Muslim children attended. That doesn't make it a Muslim school anymore than a school where Catholics attend makes it a Catholic school. And he left there when he was ten. Probably doesn't even remember much about it.
And if his church was Muslim in nature, they wouldn't have a same sex minister!!!
It is wrong to pledge allegiance to another country and disregard the country you live in. I don't have a problem with people appreciating their roots, but not to the place it superceeds their allegiance for the country in which they live. They should have greater respect for America or move to Africa. This church is weird! They even require their choir members to wear African clothes!They may be okay for black heritage week, but to require that as the official attire is weird.
I will vote for Hillary before I vote for Obama and I don't like Hillary.
I take as much stock in a youtube clip as any circulating email. All videos can be compromised.
But the UPC can mandate specific clothing for their women to wear at all times and that's ok........ROFL!!!!
Hey, I agree, Clinton may have been able to do more. But he was doing far more than the Bush Administration was in 2001. The Bush Administration reformed our anti-terror measures and replaced agency leadership with cronies. I think I remember reading about Clinton's accomplishments regarding terror in another thread. Maybe Clinton could have done more...but he did far more than Bush/Cheney Incorporated.
This is a flat out lie.
I suspect you are simply repeating something you got in an email from somewhere, (I get junk like that from on a regular basis)
the FACT is, under Bill Clinton there was a rule change that prevented the CIA and FBI from communicating. That blocked information that the CIA had on some of the 9/11 hijackers from reaching the FBI.
When the Bush admin changed that rule in the wake of 9/11, dems still cried about it.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
He did not spend 0-7 in Muslim schools nor in particular the kind YOU have in mind like in Pakistan. They were Public schools not Madrassas. They only thing that made them "muslim" was that they were public schools in muslim countries. His mother was an Atheist....during that time he ALSO went to a Catholic what do we have now? A Catholic Muslim that has rejected the existence of God?????
It's not fair of you to bring race into this. to imply that I don't like him because he is Balck is a cheap shot and you talk about ME not having Proof??? Do you really think Obama is going to admit to America what he REALLY is and expect to get the presidency??? I don't think you understnad how slick politicians really are but carry on.
Actually, Obama is just as much white as he is black.
I suspect you are simply repeating something you got in an email from somewhere, (I get junk like that from on a regular basis)
the FACT is, under Bill Clinton there was a rule change that prevented the CIA and FBI from communicating. That blocked information that the CIA had on some of the 9/11 hijackers from reaching the FBI.
When the Bush admin changed that rule in the wake of 9/11, dems still cried about it.
go get em ferd, of course that is a lie, he must have read richard clarkes book and swallowed all that garbage, lol,dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
I was listening to Sean Hannity show recently and he pointed out several hostile anti american anti white comments that Obama's pastor has made. he had it one tape.