Traditions are very important and sad when they are interrupted.
Our Christmas traditions include:
*Decorating the tree and having Chicken Paprikas on Christmas China.
*I usually wake up first and wake veryone else up on Christmas morning, but first I take a picture of everyone sleeping in their beds.
*Christmas stockings are as important as the presents themselves...we love stuffing the stockings full of trinkets and candy.
Growing up...back in the day...we did nto have Christmas trees but we got a new outfit/dress to wear to the Church play. The church gave away a large candy cane and a navel orange.
There were so many of us that we got one big gift and then a couple small ones. We ate dinner together as a family and had grandma over and she talked about all the dead people
Christmas Banquets were a big got to go when you were 12 and we had groups until we were 16 years old. I always wore velvet, blue velvet, green velvet.
I liked New Years eve service more...footwashing and communion was so special...