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Old 10-17-2007, 10:54 AM
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NEW EXPLOSIVE Allegations against ORU's Richard & Lindsay Roberts!!!!

Updated: Revised lawsuit against ORU makes new allegations

Michael Wyke/Tulsa World

By Staff reports
10/12/2007 6:49 PM
Last Modified: 10/14/2007 5:35 AM


The latest on this story: School, Lindsay Roberts deny all


Document: Read the revised lawsuit.

For more: Read the latest stories, view the lawsuit and other documents and watch slide shows and video.


Three former Oral Roberts University professors have amended their lawsuit against the school, and have included an internal report detailing allegations against ORU President Richard Roberts, his wife and others.

The new suit adds a new defendant to the case -- the ORU regents -- and two new allegation, negligence and civil conspiracy.

Oral Roberts University officials, including President Richard Roberts, declined to comment after hours on Friday because they had not seen the amended lawsuit, a spokesman said.

The new suit includes a new allegation that Richard Roberts and ORU gave ''a convicted sexual deviant unrestricted access to the students of the university.''

The suit doesn't identify the person, but says that prior to his association with the school he had confessed to crimes in Tulsa, Tulsa County and Payne County.

''All three allegations of sexually-deviant conduct resulted in convictions,'' the suit says.

The person was hired at the direct personal instruction and under the supervision of Richard Roberts, the suit says.

The person, identified as a ''Mentor'' for ORU students, ''confessed to the facts regarding exposing himself to a fifteen year old boy in a school locker room,'' the suit says.

The suit also alleges that three days after the original lawsuit was filed earlier this month, the school's financial comptroller, a 26-year ORU employee, was fired.

''Within hours of this loyal employee's unceremonious removal from his office, witnesses have reported that voluminous materials and documents were shredded and destroyed....''

The new suit also includes a copy of a report one of the fired professors allegedly gave to ORU officials shortly before he was fired. The report says it is a Scandal Vulnerability Assessment and was prepared by Stephanie Cantees, Richard Roberts' sister-in-law and the community and governmental liaison for the Oral Roberts Ministry.

The report, which purports to be prepared by Cantees, misspells her name.

Most of the elements of the Cantees report are similar to allegations in an early version of the former professors' lawsuits, but more details are added to several of the allegations, especially allegations involved Lindsay Roberts and an unnamed teen boy.

The report says that dead-bolt locks were installed on all bedroom doors at the Richard Roberts residence at the insistence of his oldest daughter.

''This was precipitated by Mrs. Roberts repeatedly moving into the home her 16 year old male 'friend,' which made her daughters uncomfortable,'' the assessment says.

The assessment also says: ''Mrs. Roberts has personally spent the night in the ORU guest house with an underage male on nine separate occasions.''

The report also says there are photos of Lindsay Roberts and an underaged male smoking at the president's residence, and 29 photos of her and an underage male alone in her sports car after midnight.

The assessment goes on to say a longtime employee was fired so the same underage male companion could have the position.

The assessment also gives details concerning an electronic message Richard Roberts allegedly ordered ORU employees to post on the Mabee Center electronic marquee for his daughter, Chloe.

The message read, ''Matt, I sorry. Love, Chloe,'' the assessment says.

The report says the school received a total of 32 complaints about the message.

By Staff reports

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1. 10/12/2007 7:05:07 PM, d, Alabama
Oh man, this is so bad.
I really believed that the text messages to an underage male probably came from one of the daughters, not her.

And who? pray tell was taking those pictures?


2. 10/12/2007 7:28:17 PM, Barbara, Houston, TX
This is really bad! However, every single one of those salactious allegations could turn out to be false, and yet Richard Roberts brought it on himself by firing someone just for giving the report to the Provost and Regents to investigate. He should have stepped off his man-made throne and allowed an investigation, and if/when the allegations were all proved to be false, he could have "suggested" to the professors that "they might be happier elsewhere," and they surely would have taken the hint.

But when you go off on a power-hungry rage, this is what happens!

3. 10/12/2007 7:41:12 PM, Berean, Houston
Nowhere in the Bible does the Lord guarantee that those doing His Work should get a tax-exempt status. According to this article, hundreds of tax-exempt ministries may now come under closer scrutiny by just about every kind of authority there is: IRS, state, local police, etc. And those that are found wanting shall be destroyed, only the true shall remain.


4. 10/12/2007 7:48:47 PM, Former ORU Slave, Tulsa
WOW!!! No big surprise. I worked at ORU and was disgusted from day 1. On my very first day, I saw the youngest Roberts daughter, Chloe, driving a Lexus SUV, when she was 16 years old!!! And Lyndsey driving a little red german sports car!!! And Tricky Dick with his entourage of cronies!!! Showing up at athletic events like he was the "King of the castle".

Richard Roberts is no more a holy-man, than I am the president of the United States. He's a preacher's kid (if you can even consider his daddy a preacher & not a crook/quack), that noticed that evangelism was where the money was. PERIOD!!! He was lazy & arrogant, and saw the way to make an easy buck. Riding daddy's coat-tails has brought him riches beyond most people's belief. And, now, his arrogance has brought about his undoing.

This whole debacle can be explained a very simple way. He & his (explicitive deleted) family thought they were above earthly & divine laws. And the idiots that have put up with their nonsense for so long should be ashamed of themselves. They've allowed this to happen. Just like they allow unqualified people to work in positions of power/stature at the university. Did you know that their hiring practice gives preference to ORU grads? Not really unheard of, but consider this. There are more than a dozen "professors" or "instructors" or "administrators" that have no higher than a bachelors degree. And that degree came from ORU. Not to mention that there are employees in one department that don't have so much as a bachelors degree, but are now in administrative positions, b/c "they've worked for the school for years, paid their dues, and deserve to be in charge." YEAH!!! In that same department, they've employeed someone for the better part of 40 years, and that person has never had to stay current with the guidelines or standards for their profession!!! It's a joke!
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Old 10-17-2007, 10:55 AM
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Things are looking BAAAAAAD for LIndsay!

She sould serve Prison time for what she allegedly did
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Old 10-17-2007, 11:08 AM
ThePastorsCoach ThePastorsCoach is offline
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
Things are looking BAAAAAAD for LIndsay!

She sould serve Prison time for what she allegedly did
Lord have mercy Thad - We don't know the facts - this is some disgruntled FIRED professor that needs $$$ and this is his only way to get it.

All of this is so hard to believe. What on earth did she do to deserve PRISON?????????
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Old 10-17-2007, 11:11 AM
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Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
Lord have mercy Thad - We don't know the facts - this is some disgruntled FIRED professor that needs $$$ and this is his only way to get it.

All of this is so hard to believe. What on earth did she do to deserve PRISON?????????


Here is why they have so much evidence against them.
Lindsay's sister had a student come over and work on her computer.
The student discovers Emails from Lindsay with damning evidence.
the student downloads the emails and information and takes it to the provost and board of ORU!!!!! It's not good at all.
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Old 10-17-2007, 11:11 AM
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im confused who is Lindsay? is she the daughter or wife?
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
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Old 10-17-2007, 11:12 AM
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Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
Lord have mercy Thad - We don't know the facts - this is some disgruntled FIRED professor that needs $$$ and this is his only way to get it.

All of this is so hard to believe. What on earth did she do to deserve PRISON?????????
This is being reported in the news here in Dallas.
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
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Old 10-17-2007, 11:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
im confused who is Lindsay? is she the daughter or wife?

daughter in law to Oral Roberts
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Old 10-17-2007, 11:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
daughter in law to Oral Roberts
that is what I thought. she is married to the son of Oral Roberts and her husband is now the head cheese there.

the wackey thing is that it looks like Richard (her husband) is working to cover up his wifes SIN????

Like he is cool with it or something???? This is wacky.
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
My Countdown Counting down to: Days left till the end of the opressive Texas Summer!
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Old 10-17-2007, 11:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
that is what I thought. she is married to the son of Oral Roberts and her husband is now the head cheese there.

the wackey thing is that it looks like Richard (her husband) is working to cover up his wifes SIN????

Like he is cool with it or something???? This is wacky.

It's looking worse and worse all the time.
It was reported that students are beginning to slowly leave too.

anyhow, this could end up being on par with the PTL scandal of the 90s
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Old 10-17-2007, 11:34 AM
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It appears that LR is in deeps weeds. Gives real Christianity a black eye.
"I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."

- Groucho Marx
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