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Old 07-19-2007, 02:55 PM
SDG SDG is offline

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Not Paying Tithes Leads to Divorce????

This article was posted at the New Church Order website .... recently.

I know this guy .... he's a lawyer .... He can't be serious!!!!


Not Giving Tithes Related to Divorce Rate?
Written by James Griffin, ESQ Wednesday, 04 July 2007

Source: http://www.newchurchorder.com/content/view/57/44/

The number one cause of disagreements that ultimately lead to fights in marriages in North America are finances. According to experts it is also the number one cause of divorce. Therefore, it follows that Financial Peace in the home greatly reduces the likelihood of divorce.

Most people do not seem to realize how much the Bible has to say about money. Entire books have been written about the business advice found in Proverbs. What does the Bible have to say about your personal finance?

In Malachi 3:8-12 the Bible says that if you do not give your tithe (10% of your income) then you are robbing God, but when bringing your tithe God “will pour out a blessing you cannot contain.” In Luke 11 while Jesus condemned the Pharisee’s attitude of inner hypocrisy, He did condone and praise the fact that the Pharisees still brought their tithe and kept the external facets of the Law. The tithe is given to the local assembly for the support of the ministry of the church and "tithe" has been God’s plan for supporting His church since the beginning.

So, what are the first steps toward financial peace at home? Bring your tithes so that you can be in alignment with God and His plan for your life. This should be the FIRST thing to come out of your weekly paycheck. The second thing that should be deducted from your monthly wages is a fixed amount you determine to set aside for yourself. This is designed to be an emergency fund, and/or debt reduction resource. No matter how small the amount of money you begin with, your eventual goal should be to set aside as much as your tithe (10%). There is another vital piece that must be implemented to enjoy financial peace in your home. As stewards of God's blessings, you and your spouse should carefully consider through prayer, what God's will is for your financial plan regarding the other eighty percent of your income.

The aforementioned steps are principles that any Christ follower must employ to obtain financial peace, and to enjoy the added benefit of a healthy, vibrant, financially secure marriage
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Old 07-19-2007, 02:58 PM
Pragmatist Pragmatist is offline
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And ice cream sales increasing in the summer leads to a higher murder rate.

Some people need to go back and take their critical thinking class again.
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Old 07-24-2016, 06:25 PM
jlederer jlederer is offline
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Re: Not Paying Tithes Leads to Divorce????

Originally Posted by SDG View Post
This article was posted at the New Church Order website .... recently.

I know this guy .... he's a lawyer .... He can't be serious!!!!


Not Giving Tithes Related to Divorce Rate?
Written by James Griffin, ESQ Wednesday, 04 July 2007

Source: http://www.newchurchorder.com/content/view/57/44/

The number one cause of disagreements that ultimately lead to fights in marriages in North America are finances. According to experts it is also the number one cause of divorce. Therefore, it follows that Financial Peace in the home greatly reduces the likelihood of divorce.

Most people do not seem to realize how much the Bible has to say about money. Entire books have been written about the business advice found in Proverbs. What does the Bible have to say about your personal finance?

In Malachi 3:8-12 the Bible says that if you do not give your tithe (10% of your income) then you are robbing God, but when bringing your tithe God “will pour out a blessing you cannot contain.” In Luke 11 while Jesus condemned the Pharisee’s attitude of inner hypocrisy, He did condone and praise the fact that the Pharisees still brought their tithe and kept the external facets of the Law. The tithe is given to the local assembly for the support of the ministry of the church and "tithe" has been God’s plan for supporting His church since the beginning.

So, what are the first steps toward financial peace at home? Bring your tithes so that you can be in alignment with God and His plan for your life. This should be the FIRST thing to come out of your weekly paycheck. The second thing that should be deducted from your monthly wages is a fixed amount you determine to set aside for yourself. This is designed to be an emergency fund, and/or debt reduction resource. No matter how small the amount of money you begin with, your eventual goal should be to set aside as much as your tithe (10%). There is another vital piece that must be implemented to enjoy financial peace in your home. As stewards of God's blessings, you and your spouse should carefully consider through prayer, what God's will is for your financial plan regarding the other eighty percent of your income.

The aforementioned steps are principles that any Christ follower must employ to obtain financial peace, and to enjoy the added benefit of a healthy, vibrant, financially secure marriage

As a tithes payer (not anymore), I am about
to lose my car (how will I get to my TWO jobs?) and
get my electricity shut off-all because of tithes/offerings.

I have wept before God for months now, to HELP us.
I have given till it hurts, trusting God to return the favor
like the Bible says he will.

He hasn't.
If God won't honor his word, then how can I
trust him on my salvation?

There is no shortage of scriptures or even
prosperity sermons that will tell us God
WILL bless you FINANCIALLY IF you pay

My wife and I was prophesied a FINANCIAL blessing.
We were in a large church and the visiting prophet
called us out and wanted to pray for us.

THAT WAS IN 1992............Never came true.

I am done with giving my money to the church
so my pastor can go on vacation (they leave for 11 days
next week).
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Old 07-25-2016, 10:51 AM
Monterrey Monterrey is offline
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Re: Not Paying Tithes Leads to Divorce????

Originally Posted by jlederer View Post
As a tithes payer (not anymore), I am about
to lose my car (how will I get to my TWO jobs?) and
get my electricity shut off-all because of tithes/offerings.

I have wept before God for months now, to HELP us.
I have given till it hurts, trusting God to return the favor
like the Bible says he will.

He hasn't.
If God won't honor his word, then how can I
trust him on my salvation?

There is no shortage of scriptures or even
prosperity sermons that will tell us God
WILL bless you FINANCIALLY IF you pay

My wife and I was prophesied a FINANCIAL blessing.
We were in a large church and the visiting prophet
called us out and wanted to pray for us.

THAT WAS IN 1992............Never came true.

I am done with giving my money to the church
so my pastor can go on vacation (they leave for 11 days
next week).
And i don't believe that you are telling us the whole story. Your story smells like mismanagement of money, not the paying tithes.

If Tithes was the problem then why did God wait 27 years of your good wife paying them to finally crash your world? Why didn't He just put you out of your misery the first year and make you go bankrupt? Do you think He was just wanting you to feel the burn?

Nah, you aren't telling the whole story so I reject your story as incomplete.

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Old 07-25-2016, 10:56 AM
Monterrey Monterrey is offline
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Re: Not Paying Tithes Leads to Divorce????

How is it that you are the man of the house but your wife has to be the one to step up to the plate and lead in giving? Maybe the real problem here is headship...! You think?

Maybe if you would be the one who brought the tithe and offering then God would change things around? Maybe?

Again, you are not telling us the full story but just the fact that your pastor is letting you stew is telling me that he probably knows more than he is telling.

The reason maybe that he is able to go on a vacation is that he has not mismanaged his money, he is the head of his house, and God is blessing him in prosperity.

Maybe what you might want to do is sit down with him when he gets back from his wonderful vacation, lay your financial situation on his desk, explain where you are at and ask for his advice on what to do. No. don't have your wife do it... you be the man and step up and do it.

God's Word promises blessing for those who give, if the blessings are stopped then it is your fault, not God's.

Again, go counsel with your pastor, ask him for some advice as it looks like he is successful, (Vacation and etc) and then follow his advice.

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Old 07-27-2016, 10:12 PM
Nitehawk013 Nitehawk013 is offline
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Re: Not Paying Tithes Leads to Divorce????

Meh. I'm 50/50 on his story. It's too easy to just put all the blame on him Monterrey.

Of course he may have mismanaged his money. No doubt. However, I have also seem with my own eyes as multiple families in my church give tithe, give in every offering, give to missions, give give give...and no financial blessing ever comes. Always struggling. Always jusy barely getting by. Junk cars. Can't afford to improve their homes. Never a new suit or dress. Never a good family vacation. Just constant struggle.

They have done what all the tithe pimps have told them will produce a financial blessing, and yet they have seen jobs disappear. And yet they will never question those who tell them they have to tithe or go to hell.

Tithing is great for the church and the man/men making a living off of it. It is often a tremendous burden and strain however on those being hammered with guilt and eternal damnation over giving money away that they do not really have to give.

You can default to it being his fault due to mismanagement, and it very well may be. I tend to try to play it down the middle. The church needs money to run. Pastors shouldn't be expected to work for free. But tithing is nothing more than theological extortion and it hurts hundreds of thousands of people every week. There are other ways to finance the church as is demonstrated every single week in the millions of churches worldwide that DO NOT preach tithing as a voucher for blessings/ticket to hell.
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Old 08-06-2016, 11:13 AM
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Re: Not Paying Tithes Leads to Divorce????

Why do people give tithes to be blessed? I believe people will be blessed, but to give for that purpose?? IT JUST SUPPORTS A CHURCH WE BELIEVE IN and want people to attend.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 08-07-2016, 08:53 PM
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Re: Not Paying Tithes Leads to Divorce????

Originally Posted by Pragmatist View Post
And ice cream sales increasing in the summer leads to a higher murder rate.

Some people need to go back and take their critical thinking class again.
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Old 08-07-2016, 08:54 PM
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Re: Not Paying Tithes Leads to Divorce????

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Why do people give tithes to be blessed? I believe people will be blessed, but to give for that purpose?? IT JUST SUPPORTS A CHURCH WE BELIEVE IN and want people to attend.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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