Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
I justify all Muslims are lost because they don't believe that Jesus is God, they don't believe the Gospel. Again, this has nothing to do with opium fields, BP oil, or Zionism. Go to a Presbyterian forum and post your dead baby pictures there.
thanks, but i think i prefer to continue ignoring your orders, with all due respect. You have already shown that your methods of determining Saved or Lost are completely subjective, and therefore what you are in fact justifying is a certain behavior, that really has nothing to do with anyone else's salvational state. This has everything to do with justifying your leader's actions, as well as the thread title.
I can outline the progression for you; it really is simple. Your behavior as a Christian should not be incumbent upon others' actions; "Love your enemies." This recognizes that no one can do you any harm that God does not allow. If every, single Muslim professed to be a cannibal, and specifically sought white, European flesh to dine on, still this should not alter your belief; if you trust in God. But being as how that does not suit satan, Muslims are portrayed to you as your enemies, to be feared--they are "All lost."
So, this is how you ignore the Good Samaritan, and "Judge not..." and "Love your enemies," all the central parts of Scripture, basically, so that your fears may rule you. Getting "saved" is then reduced to a little speech down front, and you go through all those endless contortions on faith v works, with the endless lawyerly discussions on how to do it right, and how your good deeds don't matter, even though Scripture is replete with passages--i could fill the rest of this page with them--that indicate that you do not represent that correctly, either.
So i must ask you again--you, who are so good at giving orders--why you don't just answer my really very basic questions? Where are your peers, that joined you in calling me names, "lost" just being one of the nicer ones? Is the truth really so unpalatable?