Originally Posted by wire2john
So neither the 'Articles of Faith' nor the 'Manual of the United Pentecostal Church International' has anything to say about tithing? I've heard it preached as a matter of salvation on several occasions; it is hard to imagine that the organization has not taken an official position.
Here's the claim which was made
Originally Posted by Rudy
I was told the upc requires its ministers to sign a statement that they will teach and practice tithing. If so, then that would limit options.
I never said the UPC didn't have a position on tithing, it does have a position. What it does not do is require a minister to sign a statement stating they will teach and practice tithing. The only thing the Affirmation Statement requires is
"I also believe and embrace the holiness standards of the United Pentecostal Church International as set forth in said Articles of Faith, and I pledge to practice, preach, and teach the same."
Here's the UPC Article of Faith on Tithing:
"We believe tithing is God’s financial plan to provide for His work, and has been since the days of Abraham. Tithing came with faith under Abraham, Moses’ law enjoined it, and Israel practiced it when she was right with God; Jesus indorsed it (Matt. 23:23); and Paul said to lay by in store as God has prospered you. Do not rob God of His portion, viz., tithes and offerings."