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Old 07-02-2013, 12:38 PM
Pliny Pliny is offline
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Re: Jail/Homosexuality

Originally Posted by odooley6985 View Post
Well I just dont see it. On that topic, even though its a sin, do you think its right to use those words towards them? I dont. How would you expect to win them to Christ if you call them that?
Originally Posted by Pliny View Post
You mean like Jesus calling Herod that "fox"?
The term was used derisively.
Originally Posted by odooley6985 View Post
So you think its ok? I know plenty of black sinners. Can I call them the N word?
Jumping to conclusions...

Please state where I said it was or was not okay...
That is just queer...
Old 07-02-2013, 01:06 PM
odooley6985 odooley6985 is offline

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Re: Jail/Homosexuality

Originally Posted by Pliny View Post
Jumping to conclusions...

Please state where I said it was or was not okay...
That is just queer...
I didnt state anything. I asked a question. Thats why I put a ? at the end of the sentence. Do you think its ok to call them those names?
Old 07-02-2013, 01:13 PM
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Re: Jail/Homosexuality

Originally Posted by odooley6985 View Post
Does the constitution guarantee that you have employment regardless of what you say? What I am asking, do people really think we will be arrested for preaching against it in a church setting? Paula Deen isnt relevant.
She is relevant as her testimony shows the intolerance that is growing in this country. It is only logical to believe being arrested for what you preach is coming. Especially, as O and people like Ginsberg think we need a better Constitution.

But I also believe that Christians, largely, have not guarded their words and it is coming back to bite.
Old 07-02-2013, 01:22 PM
Pliny Pliny is offline
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Re: Jail/Homosexuality

Originally Posted by odooley6985 View Post
I didnt state anything. I asked a question. Thats why I put a ? at the end of the sentence. Do you think its ok to call them those names?
Depends on the context.
Old 07-02-2013, 03:36 PM
J4Truth J4Truth is offline
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Re: Jail/Homosexuality

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
She is relevant as her testimony shows the intolerance that is growing in this country. It is only logical to believe being arrested for what you preach is coming. Especially, as O and people like Ginsberg think we need a better Constitution.

But I also believe that Christians, largely, have not guarded their words and it is coming back to bite.
I kind of agree with what your saying.

At first I was thinking on the lines of odooley6985 but…

Here’s my

I understand sin is sin, but the mistreatment of gays caused this. Now I'm not saying everyone that mistreated gays would identify with being Christian but there are those that mistreat gays (falsely) in the name of Christ. And then there's those that hate gays in the same fashion as those that are against blacks (or minorities in general), Jews, Muslims, and even Christians.

Look when you have a group of people that's mistreated and abused and denied rights. That commits suicide because of getting abused or bullied is so bad they rather die than live anymore. Especially if most can’t see them actively hurting anyone, and just being themselves, its going to be compared to every group of people ever persecuted throughout history. They are going to look at the various religious groups persecuted in other countries, Christian groups in Muslim countries among them. They are going to be reminded of the Jews persecution during the Holocaust. They are going to be reminded of the blacks mistreatment here in America. And they are going to be remembered of the evil that these groups portrayed against these people just because they don't like the way they look, or what they believe in, or what they do unto themselves.

So in conclusion, gays are going the way of racism, and anti-Semitism. Its going to be a stigma on even looking like they are against gays. Its the same as when someone gets accused of saying something racist. They have to retract it to help themselves or else society would mark them as a degenerate to society.

A true Christian knows that sexual sins are sexual sins and homosexual sins are no different than and is simply fornication. There is way more fornicators (heterosexual or otherwise) than there is gays and way more acceptance of fornication and that fornicators don't get mistreated at the level gays are mistreated, (fornicators use to be shamed, women for the most part) even within churches. And even though there may be a number of professing Christians that don't treat gays no different than any other sinner and there may be a number of gays that are not trying to cram there lifestyle down your throat. But the ones that are, are the loudest and they appear to represent the whole. So Christians look like gay hating bigots because of some and gay agenda is pushed hard because of some.
Old 07-02-2013, 04:01 PM
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Re: Jail/Homosexuality

Originally Posted by J4Truth View Post
I kind of agree with what your saying.

At first I was thinking on the lines of odooley6985 but…

Here’s my

I understand sin is sin, but the mistreatment of gays caused this. Now I'm not saying everyone that mistreated gays would identify with being Christian but there are those that mistreat gays (falsely) in the name of Christ. And then there's those that hate gays in the same fashion as those that are against blacks (or minorities in general), Jews, Muslims, and even Christians.

Look when you have a group of people that's mistreated and abused and denied rights. That commits suicide because of getting abused or bullied is so bad they rather die than live anymore. Especially if most can’t see them actively hurting anyone, and just being themselves, its going to be compared to every group of people ever persecuted throughout history. They are going to look at the various religious groups persecuted in other countries, Christian groups in Muslim countries among them. They are going to be reminded of the Jews persecution during the Holocaust. They are going to be reminded of the blacks mistreatment here in America. And they are going to be remembered of the evil that these groups portrayed against these people just because they don't like the way they look, or what they believe in, or what they do unto themselves.

So in conclusion, gays are going the way of racism, and anti-Semitism. Its going to be a stigma on even looking like they are against gays. Its the same as when someone gets accused of saying something racist. They have to retract it to help themselves or else society would mark them as a degenerate to society.

A true Christian knows that sexual sins are sexual sins and homosexual sins are no different than and is simply fornication. There is way more fornicators (heterosexual or otherwise) than there is gays and way more acceptance of fornication and that fornicators don't get mistreated at the level gays are mistreated, (fornicators use to be shamed, women for the most part) even within churches. And even though there may be a number of professing Christians that don't treat gays no different than any other sinner and there may be a number of gays that are not trying to cram there lifestyle down your throat. But the ones that are, are the loudest and they appear to represent the whole. So Christians look like gay hating bigots because of some and gay agenda is pushed hard because of some.
So its Christians fault? Because they stand against sin? Unbelievable. The Church is supposed to be a lighthouse sitting on a hill preaching righteousness, temperance and judgment to come to the world down below.

Homosexuality has always meant the society is about as low as it can go when it accepts it. All that's left now is the arrest, imprisonment and execution of Christians.

It wont be long.
Old 07-02-2013, 04:51 PM
J4Truth J4Truth is offline
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Re: Jail/Homosexuality

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
So its Christians fault? Because they stand against sin? Unbelievable. The Church is supposed to be a lighthouse sitting on a hill preaching righteousness, temperance and judgment to come to the world down below.

Homosexuality has always meant the society is about as low as it can go when it accepts it. All that's left now is the arrest, imprisonment and execution of Christians.

It wont be long.
Never said it was Christians fault or at least I was never trying to imply that. Not everyone against homosexuality is Christians. A lot of the abuse, mistreatment, bullying (I'm referring and including the physical) is not done by Christians. Some, of course, profess to be Christians as they do such but its not done by Christians. Some show hatred equivalent to many hate groups and they claim to be Christians and then it make all Christians appear to be such. Not everything that claim Christians is a true Christian but the whole of Christianity gets sort of tainted.

But there are some that selectively preach against certain sins and make excuses for others. And those hypocrites makes it look bad on Christians. You already understand this because you fight for the teaching of perfection even against those that claim Christian.
Old 07-02-2013, 04:57 PM
Pliny Pliny is offline
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Re: Jail/Homosexuality

Originally Posted by J4Truth View Post
I kind of agree with what your saying.

At first I was thinking on the lines of odooley6985 but…

Here’s my

I understand sin is sin, but the mistreatment of gays caused this. Now I'm not saying everyone that mistreated gays would identify with being Christian but there are those that mistreat gays (falsely) in the name of Christ. And then there's those that hate gays in the same fashion as those that are against blacks (or minorities in general), Jews, Muslims, and even Christians.

Look when you have a group of people that's mistreated and abused and denied rights. That commits suicide because of getting abused or bullied is so bad they rather die than live anymore. Especially if most can’t see them actively hurting anyone, and just being themselves, its going to be compared to every group of people ever persecuted throughout history. They are going to look at the various religious groups persecuted in other countries, Christian groups in Muslim countries among them. They are going to be reminded of the Jews persecution during the Holocaust. They are going to be reminded of the blacks mistreatment here in America. And they are going to be remembered of the evil that these groups portrayed against these people just because they don't like the way they look, or what they believe in, or what they do unto themselves.

So in conclusion, gays are going the way of racism, and anti-Semitism. Its going to be a stigma on even looking like they are against gays. Its the same as when someone gets accused of saying something racist. They have to retract it to help themselves or else society would mark them as a degenerate to society.

A true Christian knows that sexual sins are sexual sins and homosexual sins are no different than and is simply fornication. There is way more fornicators (heterosexual or otherwise) than there is gays and way more acceptance of fornication and that fornicators don't get mistreated at the level gays are mistreated, (fornicators use to be shamed, women for the most part) even within churches. And even though there may be a number of professing Christians that don't treat gays no different than any other sinner and there may be a number of gays that are not trying to cram there lifestyle down your throat. But the ones that are, are the loudest and they appear to represent the whole. So Christians look like gay hating bigots because of some and gay agenda is pushed hard because of some.

I agree with most of what you said here. However, homosexuality is not the same as fornication. Homosexuality is an abomination.

Lev 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

Fornication is certainly a sin but homosexuality is an abomination.

Also, I do not believe the only cause was mistreatment of gays. It is the spirit of the age IMO. The mistreatment is only one aspect of a multifaceted issue.
Old 07-02-2013, 05:08 PM
odooley6985 odooley6985 is offline

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Re: Jail/Homosexuality

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
So its Christians fault? Because they stand against sin? Unbelievable. The Church is supposed to be a lighthouse sitting on a hill preaching righteousness, temperance and judgment to come to the world down below.

Homosexuality has always meant the society is about as low as it can go when it accepts it. All that's left now is the arrest, imprisonment and execution of Christians.

It wont be long

Are they executing Christians in Europe?
Old 07-02-2013, 05:12 PM
odooley6985 odooley6985 is offline

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Re: Jail/Homosexuality

Originally Posted by Pliny View Post
I agree with most of what you said here. However, homosexuality is not the same as fornication. Homosexuality is an abomination.

Lev 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

Fornication is certainly a sin but homosexuality is an abomination.

Also, I do not believe the only cause was mistreatment of gays. It is the spirit of the age IMO. The mistreatment is only one aspect of a multifaceted issue.
LOL. At your response. Sin is sin is sin is sin. Its quite obvious what you can tolerate. I would rather someone struggle with homosexuality than be a gossiping liar. I cant stand that. And according to Proverbs 6:19 I believe it is. If you sow discord thats the same as homosexuality. So dont talk about how one sin is worse than another.
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