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Old 08-01-2012, 05:10 PM
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Re: Chemical imbalance in brain' myth debunked

Your articles do not explain why the body reacts in certain ways to stress causing extreme anxiety attacks, lethargy, mental confusion, apathy and manic episodes. The brain is not separate from the body. If the body lacks vitamins, minerals, and other substances that a good diet replenishes the body with, the brain will likewise suffer.
The articles were not addressing those points. they did not set out to address those points. They are articles dealing simply with the claim that mental disorders are caused by 'chemical imbalances in the brain', and they deal with that subject alone - except for one of the articles, which springboards from there into an ethical discussion regarding the federal drug policy and medical pharma policies in general.

We are living in an age where they dump toxic fluoride in the drinking water, chlorine, trihalomethane as well many other chemicals and say it is safe to drink.

We are given drugs that stop the liver from producing cholesterol, but our brain and body cells need cholesterol to mend cells and to produce new cells. It is the way our meat is processed (how they feed the cattle) that causes cholesterol build up in our arteries.

Everybody knows, or should know that substances like monosodium glutamate, (MSG) aspartame, preservatives creates chemical imbalances in the body. It tricks your body's senses when to trigger hunger so that you can eat.

**In fact, MSG (which is often disguised by names like "hydrolyzed vegetable protein" or "HVP", "yeast extract" or "autolyzed proteins") is, like aspartame, a member of the group of chemicals known as "excitotoxins" (the clue is in the name!). These toxic compounds are known to interfere with brain chemistry and have been implicated in many neurological diseases, such as brain cancers, MS, fibromyalgia, depression and hyperactivity (ADHD). In fact, they overexcite brain cells to the point of cell damage and even cell death.***


Some of the effects of aspartame...found in many diet drinks and foods:

In 1997 there was an increase in aspartame users reporting severe toxicity reactions and damage such as seizures, eye damage and vision loss, confusion, severe migraines, tremors, depression, anxiety attacks, insomnia, etc. In the same years, Ralph Walton, MD, Chairman, The Center for Behavioral Medicine showed that the only studies which didn't find problems with aspartame where those funded by the manufacturer (Monsanto). Given the agreement amongst independent scientists about the toxicity of aspartame, the only question was whether the formaldehyde exposure from aspartame caused the toxicity. That question has now been largely answered because of research in the late 1990s.

The following facts shown by recent scientific research:

Aspartame (nutrasweet) breaks down into methanol (wood alcohol).

Methanol quickly converts to formadehyde in the body.

Formaldehyde causes gradual and eventually severe damage to the neurological system, immune system and causes permanent genetic damage at extremely low doses.

Methanol from alcoholic beverages and from fruit and juices does not convert to formaldehyde and cause damage because there are protective chemicals in these traditionally ingested beverages.

The most recent independent research in Europe demonstrates that ingestion of small amounts of aspartame leads to the accumulation of significant levels of formaldehyde (bound to protein) in organs (liver, kidneys, brain) and tissues.

Excitotoxic amino acids such as the one which is immediately released from aspartame likely increases the damage caused by the formaldehyde.

I agree with all of that, have known most of it for years, and do not see how that has any bearing on whether or not mental disorders ARE or ARE NOT cause dby 'chemical imbalances in the brain'. All of what you just said is true, and certainly has bearing on mental health in general, but the fact that nutrition has a major impact on mental and physical health does not refute the notion that mental disorders are NOT caused a mythological chemical imbalance in the brain.


Nobody can say that the brain and mental behavior is not caused by chemical imbalances. It may not be caused by neurotransmitter imbalances in all cases. They may not be able to prove it through blood tests or MRI scans or by any other means and they cannot explain the epidemic of human bodies going awry, but I feel sure that somebody...somewhere knows why there is so much anxiety, so much depression, so many children unable to focus. You cannot shoot kids up with vaccines that contain contaminants such as mercury (thimerisol) and formaldehyde and expect them to function like humanity did for milleniums.
The articles say quite seriously that there are NO CHEMICAL IMBALANCES in the brain, while quite clearly affirming that ALL MENTAL STATES ARE BIOCHEMICAL. The presence of FOREIGN CHEMICALS in the human system, which causes undesirable effects on mental and physical health (which are intertwined), does not equate to 'mental disorders are caused by chemical imbalances in the brain.' A diet full of aspartame and glucose and corn syrup does not equate to a chemical imbalance in the brain, ie unbalanced levels of neurotransmitters. At least not that I am aware of. If you know of a study that has shown that such dietary additives result in measurable decreases in neurotransmitters that in turn can be shown to directly affect mood and mental health, then I would like to see it.

I would say this is a good example of chemicals causing the body to become imbalanced. It is a chemical that tricks the liver into sending signals to eat more. This causes obesity.
Adding chemicals to your body, causing the body to react in negative or unhealthy ways, is not the same as 'mental disorders are caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain'. I understand what you are saying, but I think you misunderstand (somewhat) the premises of the articles I linked.

Also, I would say being poisoned is not a 'chemical imbalance', it is called POISONING!


If people will try to eat a whole food diet, lay off foods with MSG, aspartame and a host of preservative chemicals in them, they just might see some improvement.
Yes, they would.

Those articles are only half-truths. They say nothing about what they all know or should know about the enzymes, vitamins and minerals the body is needing to function but is not getting from our modern food supply.
Nonsense. Your post doesn't say anything about how prayer and holiness can (Biblically) lead to greater health but that doesn't mean your post is 'only a half-truth'. Again, you are wanting them to talk about things outside the scope of their intended purpose.


But for researchers to say that a chemical imbalance in the brain is a myth is to me ...gross intellectual dishonesty and neglect.

Pshaw! Researchers say that a chemical imbalance in the brain is a myth precisly because IT IS A MYTH, an unproven, unscientific, UNTRUTH. And the articles demonstrate that quite clearly.

I think you are mixing definitions here, what you call 'chemical imbalance' would probably more rightly be called POISONING.

Besides, we all know (everyone knows) that hormonal IMBALANCE can definitely affect mental state.

But that is not a 'chemical imbalance in the brain' that needs treatment with SSRI's and other psychotropic drugs.
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Old 08-01-2012, 05:17 PM
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Re: Chemical imbalance in brain' myth debunked

By the way, I think in any discussion of sickness etc we should remember the following:

And the LORD will take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee; but will lay them upon all them that hate thee. - Deut 7:15

It seems that perhaps there may be correlation between America's health status and her relationship with God. As the nation turns further from God, sickness increases. This is, of course, speaking in general, and not in regard to any specific person in particular. National blessings and curses are general by their nature.
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Old 08-01-2012, 09:57 PM
AreYouReady? AreYouReady? is offline
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Re: Chemical imbalance in brain' myth debunked

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
The articles were not addressing those points. they did not set out to address those points. They are articles dealing simply with the claim that mental disorders are caused by 'chemical imbalances in the brain', and they deal with that subject alone - except for one of the articles, which springboards from there into an ethical discussion regarding the federal drug policy and medical pharma policies in general.
Then IMO the subject is not truly debunked. It is debunked only when all sides are addressed.

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
I agree with all of that, have known most of it for years, and do not see how that has any bearing on whether or not mental disorders ARE or ARE NOT cause dby 'chemical imbalances in the brain'. All of what you just said is true, and certainly has bearing on mental health in general, but the fact that nutrition has a major impact on mental and physical health does not refute the notion that mental disorders are NOT caused a mythological chemical imbalance in the brain.

You and I both agree on much of this issue, but...there are many people out there who have not studied this out. They are like I was....having a belief and acceptance of what our "trusted" physician tells us. Not saying our "trusted" physician is deliberately lying to us...they rely on the AMA, Big Pharma and their representatives to tell them the truth about medications.

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
The articles say quite seriously that there are NO CHEMICAL IMBALANCES in the brain, while quite clearly affirming that ALL MENTAL STATES ARE BIOCHEMICAL. The presence of FOREIGN CHEMICALS in the human system, which causes undesirable effects on mental and physical health (which are intertwined), does not equate to 'mental disorders are caused by chemical imbalances in the brain.' A diet full of aspartame and glucose and corn syrup does not equate to a chemical imbalance in the brain, ie unbalanced levels of neurotransmitters. At least not that I am aware of. If you know of a study that has shown that such dietary additives result in measurable decreases in neurotransmitters that in turn can be shown to directly affect mood and mental health, then I would like to see it.
Here is a simple website that touches on 'artificial substances' and how they affect the brain. I still may not be understanding just what you are getting at so feel free to let me know if this doesn't provide an answer. I am trying to keep it simple because it is a complex problem that many of us find ourselves enveloped in.


Aspartame, MSG, HFCS and other chemicals are only a short list of examples. Foreign chemicals actually displace some normal brain chemicals and fills that space in the brain cells. I did an extensive study on my own about chemicals, proteins, amino acids and others on how they affect the brain. It was quite revealing. Amino acids affect our brains more than we think. Some are relaxers while some are excitos. Our brain has a delicate balance.

However, I could not possibly post much of this on this subject thoroughly and effectively in this forum. It took years of study and nobody would read the very long post anyway. I will say this...There is one source I've read in a book written by Eric R. Braverman, M.D. entitled 'The Healing Nutrients Within'. He explains what all the amino acids and other nutrients provide for a healthy body that we are not getting in our diets. I will try to post some of what he says in another post.

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Adding chemicals to your body, causing the body to react in negative or unhealthy ways, is not the same as 'mental disorders are caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain'. I understand what you are saying, but I think you misunderstand (somewhat) the premises of the articles I linked.

Also, I would say being poisoned is not a 'chemical imbalance', it is called POISONING!
I agree mostly with you, but although poisoning is not considered a 'chemical imbalance', it is considered just what it is...poisoning. Certain poisonings like aspartame mimmic 'chemical imbalances' when describing symptoms to your doctor. Now it depends on how well your physician takes care of you. Too bad that there are many who are so strapped for time, they do not do the necessary tests needed to actually rule out whether one is ‘poisoned’ or diagnose the symptoms correctly. Remember that modern medicine treats ‘symptoms’ not the disease itself.

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Nonsense. Your post doesn't say anything about how prayer and holiness can (Biblically) lead to greater health but that doesn't mean your post is 'only a half-truth'. Again, you are wanting them to talk about things outside the scope of their intended purpose.
Esaias, I don’t think we are too far off in our ideas here.

Let’s see where the possible problem in communication lies here.

Maybe it is the word ‘debunk’. Dictionary and Wiki defines the words ‘debunk’ and ‘debunker’

debunk |diˈbəNGk| verb
expose the falseness or hollowness of (a myth, idea, or belief):
debunker noun ,
debunkery noun

A debunker is a person who attempts to expose or discredit claims believed to be false, exaggerated or pretentious. The term is closely associated with skeptical investigation of controversial topics such as U.F.O.s, claimed paranormal phenomena, cryptids, conspiracy theories, alternative medicine, religion, or exploratory or fringe areas of scientific or pseudoscientific research.

A thorough ‘debunking’ would, imo, include all aspects of information to make a strong case of something being a myth.

So unless the standard of practice by physicians of calling mental illness ‘chemical imbalances’ is stopped and the practice of explaining to the patient that they have a ‘chemical imbalance’ is stopped, it just isn’t a debunk, but merely an opinion. It did not change anything.

A very good opinion I might add, but just their opinion is not going to change the way physicians practice treating depression, bipolar, schizophrenia etc. Big Pharma is making just way too much profit off the backs of the people. And we pay more for medications here in America than any place in the entire world for medications.

I think that by these definitions, I see an attempt made to debunk the ‘chemical imbalance’ as the cause to mental illness to be a myth. Yet, like “conspiracy theories’, the conspiracy theory does not actually debunk the said conspiracy does it? It’s just somebody’s opinion and that somebody is considered to be a ‘nutjob’. Right?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Pshaw! Researchers say that a chemical imbalance in the brain is a myth precisly because IT IS A MYTH, an unproven, unscientific, UNTRUTH. And the articles demonstrate that quite clearly.

I think you are mixing definitions here, what you call 'chemical imbalance' would probably more rightly be called POISONING.
Probably so...but far too many doctors will not look at it that way. Many of them do not investigate with medical lab tests like heavy metal toxicity, MSG toxicity, vitamin/mineral depletion, aspartame poisoning...etc that mimmic mental disorders. Many of them automatically diagnose a mental depression without extensive testing because many of the SSRIs do provide relief from symptoms for awhile.

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Besides, we all know (everyone knows) that hormonal IMBALANCE can definitely affect mental state.

But that is not a 'chemical imbalance in the brain' that needs treatment with SSRI's and other psychotropic drugs.
Right indeed! Not disagreeing with you at all on this point. After working in hospitals for 20 years, I’ve seen SSRIs given to people who are not suffering from any type of mental disorder at all. I promise you that I’ve seen people receive prozac for weight loss, stress, high blood pressure and other things. No joke.

But the real issue here for me is that while the articles are correct in their assertion that ‘chemical imbalances’ are a myth, their article does not truly debunk the practice of giving out psychotropic medications until the physicians change that practice by stop telling patients that and stop giving them the medications.

They really need to go back to studying nutrition and do indepth lab tests to check for vitamin/mineral/enzyme levels to see if people are deficient in any of these things before they make diagnoses and label people with mental disorders.

All in all....I think you and I are on the same page. Perhaps it is just the way I scanned/read the articles and I see Matt’s reaction that alarms me.

People in this condition need some kind of hope for their medical nightmare. Physicians need to pony up and call it like it is...not sentence somebody for the ‘rest of your life’ being medicated type illness. But a few months of medication to *work out your problems through therapy and good nutrition and exercise* plan of medical care.

While many physicians feel that the AMA does not speak for them, the government recognizes them to be the leader and spokesmen in this nation’s healthcare system.

And always remember, once a diagnosis is put into your medical record, it will never be removed, rescinded or be labeled as a misdiagnosis.

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Old 08-01-2012, 10:10 PM
AreYouReady? AreYouReady? is offline
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Re: Chemical imbalance in brain' myth debunked

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord View Post
That is a lot of good information you've shared AYR! We have begun to change and modify our diet and watch the things we eat, and we haven't been to the doctor in several years. There is no getting away from the things that are in the air we breathe, water we drink and even the soil we grow our food in from our garden, sadly. But at least we can start by watching what obvious ingredients our food have in them that are harmful to our bodies.
Ah but there is a way and many practicing physicians will not tell us what it is either. Sherry A Rogers M.D. is a holistic medical physician who says that there is a daily detox cocktail we can take to rid our bodies of toxins and heavy metals. It involves vitamin C, magnesium, alpha lipoic acid glutathione and one more that escapes my mind at the moment. You must get her book to get her full medical advice about it. Glutathione and alpha lipoic acid is very important according to her.

Most people do not know it but there has been and still is a quiet campaign going on to ban supplements in this country like they did in some places in Europe. Some say that the FDA will go about it through a back door. I don't know this to be fact. It's just scuttlebutt right now, but it would behoove the american people to look into it and tell our Congress not to interfere with our healthfood freedom.

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord View Post
You mentioned in another thread about writing a book... did you ever publish the book?
Not exactly. I self published for a few to read and got mostly good reviews. But...if you want to know why I never went further, PM me and i will tell you.
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Old 08-01-2012, 10:31 PM
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Re: Chemical imbalance in brain' myth debunked

Originally Posted by llambert View Post
AYR, thanks for that wonderful refply.

I know of people who were on heavy psychotropic medications and through Christian counseling, repentance and prayers of deliverance they were able to get off of all the meds. There is one woman I know of who was told that she would have to be on chemical imbalance meds for the rest of her life. I will reach out to the people who know her and get her testimony.
Thank you for taking the time to read that lengthy post.

I would love to hear her testimony. Not all regions in America have Christian counseling. Some regions view people as demon possessed and have no contact , prayers of deliverance for the troubled unless it happens to be one of their own family members. I won't go into detail here, but many people left the organized church system because of no Christian counseling and shunning by the people who, incidentally I feel were just plain afraid.

Originally Posted by llambert View Post
I know of a Christian counselor (who has no secular or formal counseling credentials). She said that she had been able to work with 2 or 3 persons and with God's help they were able to get off all meds, but that she was not successful with most. Her belief as reported to me was that the people she was unsuccessful with were sold out to the system of psychology and totally convinced that what their psychology workers had told them about themselves and their conditions. She also said that when she was working with one person in counseling, the person's psychotherapist sent with the person a written document that he was relinquishing all responsibilities for the person (just in case the person came off his meds too soon and flipped out and did harm, the psychotherapist didn't want to be held liable).
They know these are powerful and sometimes dangerous medications. It takes many, many months to wean. Many people do have out of body experiences during the weaning process. It is a very strange experience. Many people do flip out during weaning, but just the same, there have been documented cases where people flipped out while faithfully taking the required prescribed dose likewise.

Originally Posted by llambert View Post
I think that those of us who call on the name of Jesus and have the power of his spiritual gifts should be praying for persons who are prone to mental illnesses and addictions. Many of these people are getting gov't funds because of their diagnoses and the thought of them getting delivered can be frightening to them because it means that they will lose their benefits, their publically funded housing, their food subsidies, etc and that they will be called to walk on faith, stand up and grow up and for many, the idea of that can be extremely frightening- even terrifying.
I don't know about them receiving government funds, but I have read about cases where some physicians receive perks and bonuses for prescribing psychiatric medications as well as other types of meds in different categories.

That's a new one for me. I wonder what kind of documentation I can find on the net about this.
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Old 08-01-2012, 10:49 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: Chemical imbalance in brain' myth debunked

MotherJones is on that...
I've read a similar story...
of course, there are many
higher-functioning people trapped too.

Last edited by bbyrd009; 08-01-2012 at 10:53 PM.
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Old 08-06-2012, 04:41 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: Chemical imbalance in brain' myth debunked

Ok, and I looked for the most recent
"depression" thread...so pardon the re-hijack--

As Christians, we are called to "hate your life,"
and so I wonder if your depressions are not just reflecting this?
This may have been covered already, but worth bringing up.

In that vein, this guy, Larry Wood, has an interesting
and fairly unique take on "The Spiritual Walk,"
included in this link:
this link is to page 3 or 4 on "Marriage Grace,"
but if you go to the bottom of the page,
you can get back to page 1...I think
"The Spiritual Walk" section might be page 2.

According to him, if you are a euphoric Christian,
you're prolly not doing it right! Lol,
at least until you have advanced to "Spiritual Rapport."

It can be tough to listen to "prosperity,"
or "milk and honey" sermons when you are being tested;
I provide this link for at least
a better understanding, possibly, of why you might be depressed,
and a possible road map to a way out.

He also allows that after testing, there should come a point
where one returns to "Garden of Eden..."
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Old 08-06-2012, 05:34 PM
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Re: Chemical imbalance in brain' myth debunked

I've had a hard "row to hoe" most of my life so it's nothing new to me.

I just didn't understand why Holy Spirit filled people would tell me to lie about my feelings. I was told and was expected to fake my feelings. That would be easy if my feelings were 'just the blues'.

Clinical depression is not just 'the blues' though. Depression tears lives and marriages apart.

God can and does heal...sometimes it's through caring men and women if He chooses us to learn lessons that can only be learned through experiencing them.

And sometimes He chooses to heal people just like that. <snaps fingers>

Going through what I went through makes me feel more compassion towards others. Especially towards the sick, the elderly...the vulnerable.
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Old 08-06-2012, 06:47 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: Chemical imbalance in brain' myth debunked

Well, I've been considering my past posts here
in that light, and realized that maybe much that I had posted might be true,
but not of much use to a depressive.

I have lived the life of Riley, basically;
can't really understand why I have had it so easy.
Never been rich, or anything...

I can say that I often didn't feel privileged at the time;
and purposefully finding things to thank God for every day
has also helped in this area.
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Old 08-06-2012, 08:05 PM
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Re: Chemical imbalance in brain' myth debunked

Byrd, you've posted some very excellent information here.

Just know this...the very depressed can barely live through the day doing the bare essentials that they must do. The very depressed so much of the time do not feel rested ..if...they even are able to sleep at all during the night.

God can heal any illness. But sometimes people look at you as if it is your fault you are not healed from every illness...every disease.
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