Dearest friends in Missions
“We thank God for our every remembrance of you . . .” OH! HOW IMPORTANT YOU ARE TO THE BODY OF CHRIST AND ESPECIALLY TO US ON THE MISSION FIELD. I AM afraid we do not say, thank you enough.
I sat down today to take a few moments to tell you how important you are to us and the ministry here. Thank you so much for your support and prayers. YOU ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO US AND OUR FAMILY.
I look at people whose whole lives have been changed by the miracle working power of our God. People who were once idol worshippers today sit in His Holy presence with hands raised and tears steaming down their cheeks in worship.
Thank you for the prayers and support you have sent our way. We are so extremely grateful to friends like you who have clothed us in prayer as we work in the mission field.
Remarkably, there are still many people around this world that have not yet heard the name of Jesus, and the freedom He offers through a life surrendered to Him. The Bible also tells us:
Luke 19:10 - For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost." We are compelled to seek out those who are lost, and impart to them the Gospel message.
There are many people we are serving that thirst not only for water, but also for knowledge of a caring and giving God. They hunger not just physically, but spiritually for the mercy and grace that God so freely gives when we know Him. It is our job, our mission and our call to quench their thirst and to give them physical and spiritual food so that they may be filled. HOWEVER WITHOUT YOUR HELP we could not do what we are doing.
Do remember us in your prayers as we get ready for our regional convention here. There is great excitement in the air. God has many things in store!
Again, thank you for making this mission a reality.
If you have any questions about our work, we would love to hear from you. Please email