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Old 12-17-2010, 08:47 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Lame Duck Dems and Some GOP are Goons

This week the lame-duck Democrats unveiled a $1.2 trillion, 1,924-page omnibus bill. They combined 11 spending bills that the Democrats couldn't be bothered to pass individually and crammed them into one oozing ball of pork and bad policy. They even surpassed the obscene budget of 2010. In light of the fact that voters put the Republican Congress out on their ear in 2006 for their profligacy, elected Obama primarily because of a financial crisis in 2008 and put the Democratic Congress out because of their poor handling of the economy due to overspending this past November, this latest action by the Pelosi-Reid Congress should be viewed as nothing more than a pure insult to the American electorate.

The author of the bill, Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, dug up earmark requests that Senate Republicans had made in the past year (prior to their self-imposed ban) and, unasked, included them in the bill. What is most distrubing are the sucker Republicans who voiced openness to the bill until Harry Reid pulled the plug on it this morning. "RINO" Republicans Thad Cochran, Bob Bennett, Susan Collins, Kit Bond, George Voinovich and Lisa Murkowski sent signals they might vote for the budget. Even Mitch McConnell the soon to be majority leader in the Senate defended earmarking a few months back until pressure from conservatives helped him agree to a ban on earmarks.

I have to keep reminding myself that there are 80 or so new Congressmen and Senators arriving in a few weeks. My hope is that they will not forget the wave of discontent that brought them to the halls of power in Washington and that they will keep turning up the heat on the establishment until these blockheads get the picture that the vast majority of Americans are fed up with undisciplined, out of control government spending! If these new legislators don't get the job done and convince the Congress to make massive spending cuts, stop printing more money, lower taxes and keep them low, defund Obamacare, reform the IRS and taxation, and keep the ban on earmarks I will drop my GOP affiliation and become an independent. I will hope and actively pursue an alternative party that might just have a chance at replacing the goons in DC.

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 12-17-2010, 09:27 AM
sandie sandie is offline
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Re: Lame Duck Dems and Some GOP are Goons

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
This week the lame-duck Democrats unveiled a $1.2 trillion, 1,924-page omnibus bill. They combined 11 spending bills that the Democrats couldn't be bothered to pass individually and crammed them into one oozing ball of pork and bad policy. They even surpassed the obscene budget of 2010. In light of the fact that voters put the Republican Congress out on their ear in 2006 for their profligacy, elected Obama primarily because of a financial crisis in 2008 and put the Democratic Congress out because of their poor handling of the economy due to overspending this past November, this latest action by the Pelosi-Reid Congress should be viewed as nothing more than a pure insult to the American electorate.

The author of the bill, Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, dug up earmark requests that Senate Republicans had made in the past year (prior to their self-imposed ban) and, unasked, included them in the bill. What is most distrubing are the sucker Republicans who voiced openness to the bill until Harry Reid pulled the plug on it this morning. "RINO" Republicans Thad Cochran, Bob Bennett, Susan Collins, Kit Bond, George Voinovich and Lisa Murkowski sent signals they might vote for the budget. Even Mitch McConnell the soon to be majority leader in the Senate defended earmarking a few months back until pressure from conservatives helped him agree to a ban on earmarks.

I have to keep reminding myself that there are 80 or so new Congressmen and Senators arriving in a few weeks. My hope is that they will not forget the wave of discontent that brought them to the halls of power in Washington and that they will keep turning up the heat on the establishment until these blockheads get the picture that the vast majority of Americans are fed up with undisciplined, out of control government spending! If these new legislators don't get the job done and convince the Congress to make massive spending cuts, stop printing more money, lower taxes and keep them low, defund Obamacare, reform the IRS and taxation, and keep the ban on earmarks I will drop my GOP affiliation and become an independent. I will hope and actively pursue an alternative party that might just have a chance at replacing the goons in DC.
Well said, Deacon.
Hopefully January will bring real "hope and change".
I'm still flabergasted that the voters didn't understand Obama's hope and change was going to take us to the left of left.
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Old 12-17-2010, 09:56 AM
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Re: Lame Duck Dems and Some GOP are Goons

I'm totally independent, can't stand the democratic or the republican party. I think a good person can be found here and there in both parties, but rarely. I'm hoping too that all the new people coming in will remember the reason why they got there...
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Old 12-17-2010, 10:02 AM
sandie sandie is offline
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Re: Lame Duck Dems and Some GOP are Goons

Originally Posted by whoami View Post
I'm totally independent, can't stand the democratic or the republican party. I think a good person can be found here and there in both parties, but rarely. I'm hoping too that all the new people coming in will remember the reason why they got there...
Many moons ago I was a democrat. I went independent after I saw the democrat party go left.
I agree, there are decent people with good motives in both parties, and this new group better understand what governing for and by the people means.
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Old 12-17-2010, 11:19 PM
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Re: Lame Duck Dems and Some GOP are Goons

Why don't we:
impose term limits?
one term as a Senator or one term as a Representative,
then after serving their one term,
shoot them so we don't have to pay them a pension.
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Old 12-17-2010, 11:46 PM
canam canam is offline
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Re: Lame Duck Dems and Some GOP are Goons

Earmarks in and of themselves dont amount to much in the deficit ,but what they are is graft and bribery funds to get congress to vote on other ding dong bills,THEY MUST BE ELIMINATED AND THAT IS JUST FOR STARTERS.
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Old 12-17-2010, 11:47 PM
canam canam is offline
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Re: Lame Duck Dems and Some GOP are Goons

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
Why don't we:
impose term limits?
one term as a Senator or one term as a Representative,
then after serving their one term,
shoot them so we don't have to pay them a pension.
So un pc of you,ps i like it.
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