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Old 11-29-2010, 09:08 PM
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Please properly explain Preterism to me

Honestly, I have read about it... but how does it work in actual church setting to teach it to normal folks? I would imagine it kills off nearly every EndTime type of teaching with dramatic "You'll miss the rapture" stuff. Help me understand for those who teach it. I am not setting you up for a trap. I am honestly curious.

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Old 11-30-2010, 12:18 AM
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Re: Please properly explain Preterism to me

"You'll miss the rapture" stuff...

I don't hear that much now days, regardless of the eschatology involved.
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Old 11-30-2010, 12:47 AM
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Re: Please properly explain Preterism to me

Originally Posted by Hoovie View Post
"You'll miss the rapture" stuff...

I don't hear that much now days, regardless of the eschatology involved.
If you believe half the rhetoric here, what you hear on a daily basis is "You'll burn in hell with the debil and a pitchfork"
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Old 11-30-2010, 06:57 AM
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Re: Please properly explain Preterism to me

Originally Posted by Apocrypha View Post
Honestly, I have read about it... but how does it work in actual church setting to teach it to normal folks? I would imagine it kills off nearly every EndTime type of teaching with dramatic "You'll miss the rapture" stuff. Help me understand for those who teach it. I am not setting you up for a trap. I am honestly curious.
Were to begin.... *ahem* *la la la*

I know a pastor who teaches it only a few times a yr. It's not a main focus. Not like the futurist churches that want to scare ya to babble at the altar.. "You're gonna ahhhhh misss ahhh the rap tuuuuuure ahhh if ya dun re peeent riiiight nooooow!!! ahhhh"""""""""""""""""""

Whoah. I got into that, didn't I. You get people who see that they have their whole life ahead of them (Lord willing) and plan accordingly. Nobody gonna miss college because the return of the Lord around the corner and ya pastor made ya feel guilty for wantin to move away.
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Old 11-30-2010, 07:49 AM
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Re: Please properly explain Preterism to me

Originally Posted by Apocrypha View Post
Honestly, I have read about it... but how does it work in actual church setting to teach it to normal folks? I would imagine it kills off nearly every EndTime type of teaching with dramatic "You'll miss the rapture" stuff. Help me understand for those who teach it. I am not setting you up for a trap. I am honestly curious.
It depends upon whether you mean full preterism or partial preterism. Full preterists teach no future rapture while partial preterists do teach a future rapture. I am a partial preterist.

All the doom and gloom of wrath and death is absent from our teaching and preaching, except for hellfire. But we do not concentrate on hellfire and brimstone. Some full preterists do not believe in hell, though, as well.

What all the doom and gloom from the book of Revelation is to us is past wrath on Israel fro rejecting Christ. So the way we handle Revelation today is showing folks how we are the New Jerusalem now, and are in the "millennium" which is more or less the Church age. We therefore emphasize KINGDOM principles. We are presently ruling with Christ. The seating on thrones and ruling for "one thousand years" is actually occurring right now, and Paul said we are seated together with Christ in heavenly places at His right hand throne (Ep 2:6).

I preach a lot of victory over every enemy through the cross, since the cross caused us to unite to Christ in His death, which leads to co-burial, co-resurrection, co-ascension and co-seating with Him on his throne. Instead of waiting for a literal millennial reign after the rapture, I preach we are supposed to be ruling now IN LIFE'S SITUATIONS. We preach a lot of Romans 6 truths that say sin should not be ruling over us, but we should be victorious even over sin in our lives.

There are no scare tactics to make people serve God through fear, since that sort of thing fades away and never gets into a person's spirit. The cross is emphasized and Kingdom is stressed. ALL THE TIME, at least in my ministry!

We use Revelation as a historical set of events that stand forevermore as an example of how Christ is on the throne and the church went through the first century ordeal of troubles, showing that every other generation has the same power with Christ on the throne to go through anything!

To us, the destruction of Jerusalem and God's work against Israel who tremendously persecuted the church throughout the book of Acts, stands just as the Red Sea victory over Egypt stood for the Old Testament believers. Over and over you read of how God overthrew Pharaoh's armies in the Red Sea and set Israel free. Then God was able to take them into the promised land 40 years later where they could rule their own land. Israel had a lot of EGYPT in them after they left Egypt.

We look at Revelation as a NEW EXODUS, where God set us free from the bondage of sin and the bondage of the Law by the cross, and took the church through 40 years of preparation after the cross while He led them to all truth while the New Testament was being written. This brought them to a KINGDOM awareness 40 years later after Jerusalem was destroyed.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 11-30-2010, 07:54 AM
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Re: Please properly explain Preterism to me

This is a statement on my website that sets the tone for how we preach with preterism in mind. Notice I call it KINGDOM ESCHATOLOGY due to the emphasis on kingdom living.
Kingdom Eschatology focuses upon the fulfillment of prophecy and how we are now in God's Kingdom. There is so much more for us in the Kingdom of God at this present time than what many forms of eschatological teaching help us understand. It is high time we learn that the Kingdom does not come with observation, but is in you. Jesus never said the Kingdom would ever become physical. Somehow the Pharisaical error of a physical kingdom toppling physical governments crept into the Church.

Everything required to occur for Christ to be seated on David's throne, seated in Heavenly places, and us together seated with Him as Kings and Priests HAS BEEN DONE. The emphasis of Bible prophecy is what Christ accomplished through the work of the cross in bringing God's Kingdom, that does not come with observation, nor ever will, and is in you. Fulfilled prophecy is not the focus of our emphasis. Where we are now, because of the prophecies fulfilled, is the issue we must all recognize and concentrate upon. We have victory over sin, satan and the world, as kings and priests with Christ. We have already come to Mount Zion and Heavenly Jerusalem, and the River of Life Is the Holy Spirit of God flowing from the Church, there for all who are thirsty to come and drink freely. We are the trees planted by the waters of this River, whose leaf shall not fade (that nations may be healed) and whose fruit withereth not (that all might taste and see that the Lord is good, and know eternal LIFE) (Psalm 1).

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 11-30-2010, 09:15 AM
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Re: Please properly explain Preterism to me

its real simple. all bible prophesy was fullfilled in 70 AD.

this thing is going to keep clicking along until God gets tired of hearing it.

(PS, i am not anti-preterist in fact I am decidedly undecided on escatology)
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Old 11-30-2010, 09:29 AM
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Re: Please properly explain Preterism to me

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
its real simple. all bible prophesy was fullfilled in 70 AD.
That is FULL preterism, not partial preterism.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 11-30-2010, 09:47 AM
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Re: Please properly explain Preterism to me

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
That is FULL preterism, not partial preterism.
hee hee.... i know... partial is most stuff but not all stuff happened in 70AD and this thing is still going to go clicking along until God gets tired of hearing it.

pre/mid/post trib are those that thing a bunch of stuff happens after 70AD and even after the present and this thing is going to keep clicking along until God gets tired of hearing it.... and he is really really tired right about now.

How is that?
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Old 11-30-2010, 10:18 AM
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Re: Please properly explain Preterism to me

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
hee hee.... i know... partial is most stuff but not all stuff happened in 70AD and this thing is still going to go clicking along until God gets tired of hearing it.

pre/mid/post trib are those that thing a bunch of stuff happens after 70AD and even after the present and this thing is going to keep clicking along until God gets tired of hearing it.... and he is really really tired right about now.

How is that?
almost... except for the getting tired business. lol

The difference is HUGE. Non-preterite teachings do not preach we are presently ruling with Christ (Ep 2:6) in the degree it should be preached. And since many think the millennial age is the Kingdom age, they think the ruling we should be doing now is not even started yet. The way we properly understand our position IN THE KINGDOM depends upon the eschatology we stand upon. And I am saying non-preterite teachings greatly lack in showing people who they are in Christ and how much they are int he Kingdom at this time. The implications are vast! It's not a matter of simply when the antichrist came or is coming, to say the least! It;'s the implications of how much we can enjoy KINGDOM DOMINION now or not.

Non-pretrerite people can see the Kingdom today fully, but for the most part, most do not.

My thoughts, anyway!

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."

Last edited by mfblume; 11-30-2010 at 10:20 AM.
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